首页 > 解决方案 > 删除“case when”中的重复项并计算步骤之间的平均值


我目前正在生成一个表,我试图分别通过 sessionid 对注册表单的旅程事件进行排序,以下是我的代码:

create table merchant_general.signup_step_v20 as
select a.sessionid, min(b.sentat) over (partition by b.sessionid) as pageload, 
case when a.properties.itemname in ("MerchantType1", "MerchantType2", "MerchantType3", "MerchantType4") and a.properties.clicktype = 'forward' then max(a.sentat) over (partition by a.sessionid) end as SelectedMerchantType,
case when a.properties.itemname = "Continue" and a.properties.`location`= "Yeni başvuru-mağaza bilgileri" then max(a.sentat) over (partition by a.sessionid) end as EnteredNamePass,
case when a.properties.itemname = "Continue" and a.properties.`location`= "yeni başvuru-başvuru bilgileri" then max(a.sentat) over (partition by a.sessionid) end as EnteredAuthInfo,
case when a.properties.itemname = "Submit" and a.properties.`location`= "yeni başvuru-başvuruyu tamamlayın" then max(a.sentat) over (partition by a.sessionid) end as EnteredCompanyInfo
from merchant.mp_clickitem a 
inner join merchant.mp_pageload b 
on a.sessionid = b.sessionid 
where b.dy >= date_sub(current_date,30) and b.dy <= date_sub(current_date,1) and a.dy >= date_sub(current_date,30) and a.dy <= date_sub(current_date,1) 
and b.properties.pagename = "Register" and
a.properties.itemname in("MerchantType1", "MerchantType2", "MerchantType3", "MerchantType4","Continue","Submit") and a.properties.`location` != "Reset Password" and a.sessionid != '' 

这是示例结果 A列对应:sesssionID,而B列是pageload(第一步),C列是SelectedMerchantType(第二步)D列是EnteredNamePass(第三步),E列是EnteredAuthInfo(第四步),F列是输入公司信息(最后一步)。



标签: sqlhivehiveql


您是否尝试按 sessionID 分组?
