首页 > 解决方案 > txt文件的Java顺序搜索


该程序在文件中搜索给定条目。我认为我的主要打印声明是不正确的。当我运行命令提示符时,我的程序打印出“未找到物品猫!” 即使“cat”出现在程序检查的列表中。清单如下: CAT RAT VAT MAT BAT HAT ZAT PAT SAT TAT


import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class SequentialSearchFile {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // String to contain filename
        String fileName = "";
        // String to contain search item;
        String searchItem;
        Scanner s = new Scanner (System.in);
            // If there is one command-line parameter
            if (args.length == 1 )
                fileName = args[0]; // assume that it is the filename
                System.out.print("Please enter search item: ");
                searchItem = s.nextLine();
            // If there are two command-line parameters
            else if (args.length == 2)
                fileName = args[0]; // take them as the filename
                searchItem = args[1]; // and as the search item
            else {
                System.out.print("Please enter file name: ");// no command line parameters?
                fileName = s.nextLine();                     // prompt user for both
                System.out.print("Please enter search item: "); 
                searchItem = s.nextLine();
            searchItem = searchItem.trim(); // trim any extra spaces from search item
            System.out.println("Searching file" + fileName + "...");
            System.out.println("Item " + searchItem + " was " +
                                (sequentialSearch(fileName, searchItem) ?"" : "NOT ") + "found!");
    // method opens file and searches the contents
    public static boolean sequentialSearch (String fileName, String searchItem) {           
        boolean result = false;                               // default response is not found
        try {
            Scanner f = new Scanner(new File(fileName));      // get a connection to the file
            String fileItem;
                    fileItem = f.nextLine();                  // check each entry against the search item
                        result = true;                       // if found, set result to true
                        break;                               // and break out of the while loop
        catch(FileNotFoundException e) {                    // if the file wasn't there,
            System.out.println(e.toString());               // show the exception text
            System.exit(0);                                 // and exit
        return result;                                      // return the result

标签: javasearchsequential



首先,您使用 (这是正确的!)检查下一个字符串,hasNext()然后使用 读取整行nextLine()而不是使用next().


Scanner f = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
String fileItem;
while(f.hasNext()) {
    fileItem = f.next(); // A single item is read with next(), not nextLine()
    if(searchItem.equalsIgnoreCase(fileItme)) { // searchItem is compare to fileItem
        result = true;

