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 <div class="card card1">

    <a href="breathing-tool.html">Rhythmic Breathing Guide</a>
    <p> Proper breathing helps to reduce anxiety by increasing the flow of oxygen throughout the body. 
      <br> <br>
      This excercise is designed to deliver the best timing of deep breathing suggested by health specialists.
      <br> <br>
      Practice this for 5 to 10 minutes daily. 

<div class="card card2">
  <a href="pink-meditation.html">Pink Meditation</a>
  <p> This is a medititation space to help calm and reduce anxiety.</p>

   <p> This design was inspired by the psychological calming effects of the colour pink which has been used in famous arts.  </p>
   <p> Please use this for no more than 20 to 30  minutes a day, as long periods of exposure to pink can have adverse effects. </p>


      <div class="card card3">
 <a href="quote-generator.html"> Quote Dispenser</a>
       <p> This is a collection of quotes that you can read when you need to be inspired or calmed down. </p>
       <p> A motivational quote has the power to affect your mood leading to possitive changes to the way you act and react. </p>
      <p> Reading a few of these possitive quotes at the beggining of the day can make a possitive impact on your mindset. </p>

</div> <!--this is the closing tag of "column"-->


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