首页 > 解决方案 > SQL - get min values from a column based on values from two other columns


I am trying to collect values of a column that are less than another value of the column that has a specific value in a second column for each instance of a unique value in a third column.

Here's an example.

user_name time succeeds
bill 0300 no
bill 0400 yes
bill 0500 no
annie 1200 yes
annie 1400 yes
jonny 0900 no
jonny 1000 no
jonny 1400 yes
jonny 1900 yes

So for each user, I want to find the earliest time they succeed (a 'yes') and then collect all the times below these times.

For bill, this would be 0300 For annie there is no time For jonny this would be 1000 and 0900

标签: sqlsqlite


select t1.*,t2.sumTimeUnSucceeds,t2.concatenateTimeUnSucceeds from
(select user_name,min(time1) as minTimeSucceeds from Mytable 
 where succeeds = "yes" group by user_name) as t1
left join 
(select user_name,sum(time1) as sumTimeUnSucceeds, 
 group_concat(time1) as concatenateTimeUnSucceeds from Mytable 
 where succeeds = "no" group by user_name) as t2
on t1.user_name = t2.user_name;


