首页 > 解决方案 > Why do App store connect operation errors ITMS-90685 and ITMS-90680 happen?


The errors:

ITMS-90685: CFBundleIdentifierCollision. There is more than one bundle with the CFBundleIdentifier value com.[companyName].[className] under the iOS application [myAppName].app

ITMS-90680: invalid directory. The bundle Payload/[myAppName].app/Plugins/[myFramework].framework is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under "Frameworks"

Background info: Happens on the last part of uploading in Xcode. I'm using SPM and linking this framework into my app's target.

标签: iosswiftxcodeapp-store-connectswift-package-manager


ITMS-90685: Have you already submitted a ios app under this name before? It might be the case that you reused the id? If this is not the case, make sure your compnyName is unique.

ITMS-90680: you need to have your framework under the Framework directory, and not the Plugins directory.
