首页 > 解决方案 > 将“float”转换为“flexbox”


因此,我试图将使用浮动的页面转换为使用 flexbox 来保持相同的样式和外观。我现在正试图让树叶的图片在第一个断点之前全宽时保持在“立即预订”链接的右侧。

我已经在两个单独的类和 ID 上尝试过 justify-content 和 flex-direction,但是对于我的生活,我无法弄清楚它为什么保持内联。

我是这个网站的新手,所以如果我也需要提供 HTML,请告诉我,但我真的可以使用一些帮助,非常感谢!


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          <h2 id="contentHdr">Featured Tour</h2>

          <h3>Vermont in the Fall</h3>

          <p>Join our experienced tour guides on a 2-day excursion into beautiful Vermont in late September.</p>

          <p><strong>Activity Level:</strong> Moderate<br />
             <strong>Duration:</strong> Short</p>

          <p><a href="#" class="actionBtn">Book Now!</a></p>


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        <h2 id="galleryHdr">Find Your Perfect Outdoor Adventure</h2>

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    All content &copy; Exploring Nature. All Rights Reserved.




@media all {

  header, footer, nav, aside, article, section {display: block;}
  body {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
  #masthead h1 {margin: 0; font: 700 34px 'Noto Serif', serif;}


@media screen {

  body {font: 400 100%/1.4 'Roboto', sans-serif;}
  h2 {font: 400 180%/1.4 'Roboto', sans-serif;}
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  footer {font-size: 90%; text-align: center; background: #2a2a2a; color: #fff; padding: 15px 0;}
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  /* masthead and top of content area */
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  #homeFeature {border: 7px solid #6b6b6b; border-radius: 50%; width: 375px; height: 375px; background: url(../i/maple-leaves-background.jpg) no-repeat center; background-size: cover; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-end; }
  #navMenuTrigger {float: right; display: none;}

  /* tours */
  #galleryHdr {text-align: center;}
  #tourGallery {background: #ccc; overflow: auto; padding: 30px 0 50px;}
  .tour {position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; float: left; border: 5px solid #fff; box-sizing: border-box; width: 277px; background-size: cover; min-height: 200px; margin: 0 15px 15px 0;}
  .tour span {position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; padding: 5px 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); color: #fff; text-align: center;}
  #fallTour {background: url(../i/fall-tour.jpg) top left no-repeat;}
  #winterTour {background: url(../i/winter-tour.jpg) top left no-repeat;}
  #springTour {background: url(../i/spring-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #summerTour {background: url(../i/summer-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #forestTour {background: url(../i/forest-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #mountainTour {background: url(../i/mountain-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #islandTour {background: url(../i/island-tour.jpg) bottom center no-repeat;}
  #streamTour {background: url(../i/stream-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}


@media screen and (max-width: 1190px) {

  .container {width: auto; padding: 0 20px;}
  .tour {width: 31%; margin: 0 3% 3% 0;}
  #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(4), #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(7) {margin-right: 0;}


@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {

  .tour {width: 45%; margin: 2%;}
  #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(4), #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(7) {margin-right: 2%;}
  .halfColumn, #homeFeature {float: none; width: 100%;}
  #homeFeature {width: 300px; height: 300px; margin: 50px auto 20px;}
  #navMenuTrigger {display: inline-block;}
  header nav li {display: none;}


@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {

  #masthead h1 {font-size: 25px;}
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  #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(4), #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(7) {margin-right: 0;}


@media print {

  body {font: 400 14pt/1.4 'Noto Serif', serif; color: #000;}
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  h3 {font: 400 17pt/1.4 'Noto Serif', serif;}
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  #masthead h1 {font-size: 24pt;}
  footer {font-size: 11pt; margin-top: 30pt;}
  #pageContent {margin: 30pt 0;}
  .tour {display: block; margin: 10pt 0;}
  a {color: #000;}


标签: cssflexboxcss-float


我建议添加display: flex#pageContent .container这里是我的代码:

  #pageContent .container {
    display: flex;
    /* if you need it side-by-side */
    flex-direction: row;
    /* if you need it stack on each other */
    /* flex-direction: column; */

如果你需要更多关于 flex 的文档,我建议阅读这篇文章 A Complete Guide to Flexbox

@media all {

  header, footer, nav, aside, article, section {display: block;}
  body {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
  #masthead h1 {margin: 0; font: 700 34px 'Noto Serif', serif;}


@media screen {

  body {font: 400 100%/1.4 'Roboto', sans-serif;}
  h2 {font: 400 180%/1.4 'Roboto', sans-serif;}
  h3 {font: 700 140%/1.4 'Roboto', sans-serif;}
  footer {font-size: 90%; text-align: center; background: #2a2a2a; color: #fff; padding: 15px 0;}
  .container {width: 1170px; margin: 0 auto;}
  .halfColumn {width: 50%; box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-start; padding: 0 15px 0 0;}

  /* masthead and top of content area */
  #masthead {padding: 30px 0; background: #2a2a2a; color: #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;}
  #masthead nav ul {list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;}
  #masthead nav li {float: right; margin-left: 10px;}
  #masthead nav ul a, #pageContent .actionBtn {margin-top: 7px; color: #fff; font-weight: 500; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; padding: 8px 16px; border-radius: 12px;}
  #pageContent .actionBtn {background: #ccc; color: #000; padding: 12px 20px; font-size: 120%;}
  #masthead nav ul a:hover, #masthead nav ul a:focus, #pageContent .actionBtn:hover, #pageContent .actionBtn:focus {background: #fff; color: #000;}
  #pageContent {padding: 30px 0; background: #2a2a2a; color: #fff; overflow: auto;}
  #homeFeature {border: 7px solid #6b6b6b; border-radius: 50%; width: 375px; height: 375px; background: url(../i/maple-leaves-background.jpg) no-repeat center; background-size: cover; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-end; }
  #navMenuTrigger {float: right; display: none;}

  /* tours */
  #galleryHdr {text-align: center;}
  #tourGallery {background: #ccc; overflow: auto; padding: 30px 0 50px;}
  .tour {position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; float: left; border: 5px solid #fff; box-sizing: border-box; width: 277px; background-size: cover; min-height: 200px; margin: 0 15px 15px 0;}
  .tour span {position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; padding: 5px 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); color: #fff; text-align: center;}
  #fallTour {background: url(../i/fall-tour.jpg) top left no-repeat;}
  #winterTour {background: url(../i/winter-tour.jpg) top left no-repeat;}
  #springTour {background: url(../i/spring-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #summerTour {background: url(../i/summer-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #forestTour {background: url(../i/forest-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #mountainTour {background: url(../i/mountain-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}
  #islandTour {background: url(../i/island-tour.jpg) bottom center no-repeat;}
  #streamTour {background: url(../i/stream-tour.jpg) center no-repeat;}

  /* new */
  #pageContent .container {
    display: flex;
    /* if you need it side-by-side */
    flex-direction: row;
    /* if you need it stack on each other */
    /* flex-direction: column; */
  /* new */

@media screen and (max-width: 1190px) {

  .container {width: auto; padding: 0 20px;}
  .tour {width: 31%; margin: 0 3% 3% 0;}
  #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(4), #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(7) {margin-right: 0;}


@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {

  .tour {width: 45%; margin: 2%;}
  #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(4), #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(7) {margin-right: 2%;}
  .halfColumn, #homeFeature {float: none; width: 100%;}
  #homeFeature {width: 300px; height: 300px; margin: 50px auto 20px;}
  #navMenuTrigger {display: inline-block;}
  header nav li {display: none;}


@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {

  #masthead h1 {font-size: 25px;}
  .tour {float: none; width: 100%; margin: 20px 0; display: block;}
  #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(4), #tourGallery > div > a:nth-child(7) {margin-right: 0;}


@media print {

  body {font: 400 14pt/1.4 'Noto Serif', serif; color: #000;}
  h2 {font: 400 20pt/1.4 'Noto Serif', serif;}
  h3 {font: 400 17pt/1.4 'Noto Serif', serif;}
  #masthead nav {display: none;}
  #masthead h1 {font-size: 24pt;}
  footer {font-size: 11pt; margin-top: 30pt;}
  #pageContent {margin: 30pt 0;}
  .tour {display: block; margin: 10pt 0;}
  a {color: #000;}

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          <h2 id="contentHdr">Featured Tour</h2>

          <h3>Vermont in the Fall</h3>

          <p>Join our experienced tour guides on a 2-day excursion into beautiful Vermont in late September.</p>

          <p><strong>Activity Level:</strong> Moderate<br />
             <strong>Duration:</strong> Short</p>

          <p><a href="#" class="actionBtn">Book Now!</a></p>


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        <h2 id="galleryHdr">Find Your Perfect Outdoor Adventure</h2>

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        <a href="#" class="tour" id="winterTour">

        <a href="#" class="tour" id="springTour">

        <a href="#" class="tour" id="summerTour">

        <a href="#" class="tour" id="forestTour">

        <a href="#" class="tour" id="mountainTour">

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