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SELECT a.id_card, a.cf_id, a.name, e.cf_created, a.email, e.cf_id AS id_exam
            FROM examns_table AS e, students_table AS a 
                e.paid != 'NULL'  
                AND e.cf_created < $startDate 
                AND e.id_student = a.cf_id 
            ORDER BY e.cf_created DESC
            LIMIT 100 , 10


SELECT * FROM email_sending_table as b, students_table as a where a.cf_id=b.id_student and b.sent_date is not null and b.sent_date < '2020-09-15 12:46:46'

此时,我需要链接两个查询,将第二个查询作为条件查询。我的意思是,如果在 email_sending_table 中存在一些具有 cf_id 的学生,则抛出第二个查询,检查日期是否不为空以及该日期是否小于“2020-09-15 12:46:46”。


SELECT b.sent_date, a.id_card, a.cf_id, a.name, e.cf_created, a.email, e.cf_id AS id_exam FROM exam_table AS e, students_table AS a, email_sending_table as b WHERE e.cf_created < '2020-09-15 12:46:46' and e.paid != 'NULL' AND e.id_student = a.cf_id and b.sent_date is not null and b.sent_date < '2020-09-15 12:46:46'


SELECT b.sent_date, a.id_card, a.cf_id, a.name, e.cf_created, a.email, e.cf_id AS id_exam FROM exam_table AS e, students_table AS a, email_sending_table as b WHERE e.cf_created < '2020-09-15 12:46:46' and e.paid != 'NULL' AND e.id_student = a.cf_id and (IF EXISTS b.id_card = a.id_card (b.sent_date is not null and b.sent_date < '2020-09-15 12:46:46'))

我试图通过这样的 UNION 方式来做:

SELECT a.id_card, a.cf_id, a.name, e.cf_created, a.email, e.cf_id AS id_exam
            FROM examns_table AS e, students_table AS a 
                e.paid != 'NULL'  
                AND e.cf_created < $startDate 
                AND e.id_student = a.cf_id 
            ORDER BY e.cf_created DESC UNION SELECT * FROM email_sending_table as b, students_table as a where a.cf_id=b.id_student and b.sent_date is not null and b.sent_date < '2020-09-15 12:46:46'

我也尝试使用 LEFT JOIN,例如:

SELECT a.id_card, a.cf_id, a.name, e.cf_created, a.email, e.cf_id AS id_examenFROM examns_table AS e, students_table AS a INNER JOIN email_sendint_table as b ON (a.cf_id=b.id_student) WHERE e.paid != 'NULL' AND e.cf_created < '2017-09-15 12:46:46' AND e.id_student = a.cf_id AND (b.sent_date IS NOT NULL AND b.sent_date < '2020-09-15 12:46:46' ) ORDER BY e.cf_created DESC LIMIT 100 , 10 

我是 MySQL 的初学者,所以欢迎任何建议。谢谢!

标签: mysqlsql

