首页 > 解决方案 > Windows MDM 更新管理


我正在尝试通过 MDM( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/device-update-management )找出 Windows 更新管理,我想显示已安装和可安装为客户更新详细信息。

因此,按照本指南,我正在使用 Update-CSP 从客户端获取已安装/可安装/...更新 GUID,然后尝试从 sws.update.microsoft.com 查询 GUID 以获取元数据。问题是,客户端报告在 sws.update.microsoft.com 中找不到的更新 GUID。例如,设备返回一个更新 ID:“1f36097b-e8c9-41a3-bcc3-baae597f692d”作为已安装的更新。


PS C:\Windows\system32> $session.CreateUpdateSearcher().Search("UpdateID='1f36097b-e8c9-41a3-bcc3-baae597f692d'").Updates

Title                           : 2021-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5005565)
AutoSelectOnWebSites            : True
BundledUpdates                  : System.__ComObject
CanRequireSource                : False
Categories                      : System.__ComObject
Deadline                        :
DeltaCompressedContentAvailable : True
DeltaCompressedContentPreferred : True
Description                     : Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
EulaAccepted                    : True
EulaText                        :
HandlerID                       : http://schemas.microsoft.com/msus/2016/01/UpdateHandlers/OSInstaller
Identity                        : System.__ComObject
Image                           :
InstallationBehavior            : System.__ComObject
IsBeta                          : False
IsDownloaded                    : True
IsHidden                        : False
IsInstalled                     : True
IsMandatory                     : False
IsUninstallable                 : False
Languages                       : System.__ComObject
LastDeploymentChangeTime        : 9/14/2021 12:00:00 AM
MaxDownloadSize                 : 110963910278
MinDownloadSize                 : 0
MoreInfoUrls                    : System.__ComObject
MsrcSeverity                    :
RecommendedCpuSpeed             : 0
RecommendedHardDiskSpace        : 0
RecommendedMemory               : 0
ReleaseNotes                    :
SecurityBulletinIDs             : System.__ComObject
SupersededUpdateIDs             : System.__ComObject
SupportUrl                      : https://support.microsoft.com/help/5005565
Type                            : 1
UninstallationNotes             :
UninstallationBehavior          :
UninstallationSteps             : System.__ComObject
KBArticleIDs                    : System.__ComObject
DeploymentAction                : 1
DownloadPriority                : 2
DownloadContents                : System.__ComObject
RebootRequired                  : False
IsPresent                       : True
CveIDs                          : System.__ComObject
BrowseOnly                      : False
PerUser                         : False
AutoSelection                   : 1
AutoDownload                    : 2

但是当我通过名称或知识库文章查找此更新时,我发现正确的更新 id 是:9a11c8f1-525f-4088-8fb7-33d7b56dd6dc 目录页面

我不确定为什么客户端报告不正确(或已弃用?)更新 ID。有没有办法让客户纠正它?

标签: windowsmdmwindows-update

