首页 > 解决方案 > 使用某些字段从 AD 导出用户


在以某种方式格式化的 csv 中获取某些信息时,我遇到了一些困难。


Email   First Name  Last Name   Group   Location    
Department  Manager First Name  Manager Last Name   
Manager Email   Employee Number Job Title   Business Unit   Cost Center

其中大部分我可以轻松完成,但我不确定如何处理经理信息。因为要拉经理,它只是拉 DN。谁能帮我一个这个?

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * 
    | Select-Object mail, GivenName, SN, department, 
    | export-csv -path c:\temp\userexport.csv`

标签: powershellactive-directory


默认情况下,Get-ADUser 已返回以下属性: DistinguishedName, Enabled, GivenName, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, Surname, UserPrincipalName


虽然不熟悉属性的 LDAP 名称Group,Business UnitCost Center,但我认为它们可能分别命名为defaultGroup,oubusinessCategory

$userProps = 'EmailAddress','defaultGroup','Office','Department','Manager','EmployeeNumber','Title','ou','businessCategory'
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties $userProps | ForEach-Object {
    try {
        # this may fail if the user has its 'Manager' property not set. In that case we enter the catch block
        $mgr = Get-ADUser -Identity $_.Manager -Properties EmailAddress -ErrorAction Stop
    catch { <# do nothing here, we'll test if there is a manager later #> }
    # output an object with the desired properties
        'Email'              = $_.EmailAddress
        'First Name'         = $_.GivenName
        'Last Name'          = $_.Surname
        'Group'              = $_.defaultGroup
        'Location'           = $_.Office
        'Department'         = $_.Department
        'Manager First Name' = if ($mgr) { $mgr.GivenName } else { 'Not available' }
        'Manager Last Name'  = if ($mgr) { $mgr.Surname } else { 'Not available' }
        'Manager Email'      = if ($mgr) { $mgr.EmailAddress } else { 'Not available' }
        'Employee Number'    = $_.EmployeeNumber
        'Job Title'          = $_.Title
        'Business Unit'      = $_.ou
        'Cost Center'        = $_.businessCategory
} | Export-Csv -Path 'c:\temp\userexport.csv' -NoTypeInformation
