首页 > 解决方案 > 授予数据库中的所有权限有什么作用?



grant usage on all schemas in database test to role dev;
grant usage on future schemas in database test to role dev;
grant select on all tables in database test to role dev;
grant select on future tables in database test to role dev;

我必须运行以下命令才能让未来的赠款在模式 dw 中工作

grant select on all tables in schema test.dw to role dev;
grant select on future tables in schema test.dw to role dev;


标签: snowflake-cloud-data-platform


首次授权应授予角色 DEV 对任何模式中所有新表的访问权限。我试图重现这个问题:

create database test;
create role dev;

grant usage on all schemas in database test to role dev;
grant usage on future schemas in database test to role dev;
grant select on all tables in database test to role dev;
grant select on future tables in database test to role dev;

create schema test_schema;
create table test_table (name varchar);

show grants on schema test_schema;

|          created_on           | privilege | granted_on |       name       | granted_to | grantee_name | grant_option |  granted_by  |
| 2021-09-16 13:25:01.099 -0700 | OWNERSHIP | SCHEMA     | TEST.TEST_SCHEMA | ROLE       | ACCOUNTADMIN | true         | ACCOUNTADMIN |
| 2021-09-16 13:25:01.101 -0700 | USAGE     | SCHEMA     | TEST.TEST_SCHEMA | ROLE       | DEV          | false        | ACCOUNTADMIN |

show grants on table test_table;

|          created_on           | privilege | granted_on |            name             | granted_to | grantee_name | grant_option |  granted_by  |
| 2021-09-16 13:25:02.280 -0700 | OWNERSHIP | TABLE      | TEST.TEST_SCHEMA.TEST_TABLE | ROLE       | ACCOUNTADMIN | true         | ACCOUNTADMIN |
| 2021-09-16 13:25:02.337 -0700 | SELECT    | TABLE      | TEST.TEST_SCHEMA.TEST_TABLE | ROLE       | DEV          | false        | ACCOUNTADMIN |


