首页 > 解决方案 > 仅当 author.name 的内容是准确的或剩余的单词时才有效



const ListClaims = ["rick sanchez", "alex", "juan"];

rick sanchez没有错误,因为它是准确的ListClaims

rick sanchez morty有一个错误,因为它有额外的字母morty

    var ListClaims = ["rick sanchez","alex","juan"];

    if(message.embeds.length >= 0) 
    // Check if the Message has embed or not
      let embed = message.embeds
      // console.log(embed) just a console.log
      for(let i = 0; i < embed.length; i++)
        if (!embed[i] || !embed[i].author || embed[i].author.name === null) return;
        // check each embed if it has setAuthor or not, if it doesnt then do nothing
        // check each embed if it includes word

标签: javascriptnode.jsdiscorddiscord.js



function messageHandler() {

  const msg = {
    embeds: [
      { author: { name: "alex" }},
      { author: { name: "john"}},
      { author: { name: "rick sanchez morty"}},

  const listClaims = ["rick sanchez", "alex", "juan"];

  // 0 is falsey by default, so you dont have to check if it's  == 0.
  if (!msg.embeds.length) return;
  // Check if the Message has embed or not

  msg.embeds.forEach(embed => {
    // "", null and undefined are also falsey, so we don't need to check them.
    // also this if statement is not needed, since you can just do Array.includes().
    if (!embed.author.name) return;

    // .includes() is an array method, not a string method, so you have to do Array.includes(target), not target.includes(array).
    if (listClaims.includes(embed.author.name.toLowerCase())) message.react('');

const message = {
  react: console.log

