首页 > 解决方案 > RobotFramework Having keywords and Test template


I am using Robotframework and trying to write a Test case which need's Template as well as some keywords.. Below is something which i am currently working on .. Template cannot be inside Settings because there are different Test-cases and each of them have different use cases.

When trying to run TC_003_Edit_Custom_Destination it is throwing me error which is
Keyword 'Create Destination Invalid Scenarios' expected 4 arguments, got 1.

    [Documentation]     Edit Custom Destination, inside settings tab
    [Tags]              Testing Edit Custom Destination Functionality
    TC_001_Streaming_test_setup  other
    Cancel create Destination
    Click on edit title for new destination created  ${destination_title_name}
    [Template]          Create Destination Invalid Scenarios

                   ${empty}                           ${empty}                            ${empty}          Please enter an RTMP address
                   ${empty}                           ${rtmps_address}                    ${empty}          Please enter an stream key
                   ${empty}                           rtm://google.com                    123ABC            Invalid Destination
                   ${empty}                           ${rtmps_address}                    123ABC            Please give this destination a name
                   ${destination_title_name}          ${rtmps_address}                    123ABC            ${empty}

Does anyone know how can i add keywords and also test-template together inside TestCase ? I don't want to pack TC_001_Streaming_test_setup other Cancel create Destination inside [Setup]

____ Update ____

*** Test Cases ***

Test Case with Template    
    [Template]    Template_1
    ${template_args_1}   ${template_args_2}


标签: pythontemplatesautomationrobotframeworktestcase



这可以通过在测试级别设置模板来实现,如下面的示例,您有 3 个测试用例,2 个使用不同的模板,1 个没有任何模板。

*** Test Cases ***
Test Case with Template    
    [Template]    I Will use this template
    This is the first execution variable
    This is the second execution

Test using another Template    
    [Template]    Use this template instead
    This uses a different template

Test Without Template
    Log    This test case doesn't use template!

*** Keywords ***
I Will use this template
    [Arguments]    ${templateVar1}
    Log    My variable value is ${templateVar1}

Use this template instead
    [Arguments]    ${anotherVar}
    Log    This is the other template value: ${anotherVar}
