首页 > 解决方案 > How to retrieve data from influxdb RAM efficiently (without loading whole database in RAM)?


I am performing operation with operation at large scale, with a billion data point. while I was inserting data into the database it overloaded my swap memory and then laptop freeze. I tried changing index type to "ts1" from "inmem" from config file then I was able to insert data with less swap memory usage.

Now when I start retrieving data even a single datapoint using below query it overloads RAM. Because of large RAM usage

SELECT s1 FROM m1 limit 1

When I further explored this problem I found that influxdb is inmemory database in order to optimize the performance. Is there any way to perform retrieve.

I am doing this operation via influxdb-python(5.3.1) package. Influxdb version(1.8.9)

标签: python-3.xdatabasetime-seriesinfluxdb

