首页 > 解决方案 > c#monogame如何让相机在玩家后面慢慢重置位置


您好,我正在尝试创建一种 MMO 相机风格,玩家可以拖动以环顾角色,当他向前移动时,相机会慢慢旋转回玩家身后,当相机重置时,它会选择向左或向右移动玩家的那一侧是最短路径。目前,当您需要将 360 度旋转到 0 度时,下面的代码不起作用。

[example of working][1]
[example of working][2]
[example of not working][3]

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/LblS0.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ujiSs.png
[3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/zpHGE.png
float yMaxRotation; //is our target rotation (our Green Pointer)
float yRotation; //is our camera rotation (our Grey Pointer)

yMaxRotation = target.rotation.Z - (MathHelper.PiOver2);
yMaxRotation = yMaxRotation % MathHelper.ToRadians(360);
if (yMaxRotation < 0) yMaxRotation += MathHelper.ToRadians(360);

float newRotation = yMaxRotation;

if (yMaxRotation <= MathHelper.ToRadians(90) && yRotation >= MathHelper.ToRadians(270))
    newRotation = yMaxRotation - MathHelper.ToRadians(360);
if (yMaxRotation >= MathHelper.ToRadians(270) && yRotation <= MathHelper.ToRadians(90))
    newRotation = yMaxRotation + MathHelper.ToRadians(360);

if (yRotation <= newRotation)
    yRotation += (newRotation - yRotation) / 15;
if (yRotation > newRotation)
    yRotation -= Math.Abs(newRotation - yRotation) / 15;


Position //is our cameras position
newPos //is our players character position - the offset (push camera back and up)

Vector3 newPos = ((target.position - target.positionOffset) + new Vector3(0, 0, 18));
SetLookAt(Position, newPos, Vector3.Backward);

标签: c#mathcamerarotationmonogame


比较角度时的数学运算并不等于 1 和 359 之间的距离为 2。

  float yMaxRotation; //is our target rotation (our Green Pointer)
  float yRotation; //is our camera rotation (our Grey Pointer)

  yMaxRotation = target.rotation.Z - MathHelper.PiOver2; // Copied from source.

  float newRotationDelta = (yMaxRotation - yRotation - MathHelper.Pi - 

             MathHelper.TwoPi) % MathHelper.TwoPi + MathHelper.Pi; // scale -179 to 180
  yRotation += newRotationDelta / 15;

yMaxRotation - yRotation得到增量角。减去 540(180 + 360 或 360 的任何倍数,因为 mod 将其移除,以确保值为负)以创建一个负 x 轴反射角,修改为范围(-359 到 0),然后加回 180 到反转反射并重新定位为零。
