首页 > 解决方案 > 在没有“后端终止”消息的情况下在循环中打开和关闭 pygame 窗口


我正在为学校开发一个程序,并且需要使用 pygame 窗口来显示我的程序的累积总数(用于订购咖啡)。以下是窗口打开部分的代码:

if totalconf == 'y':
    # if user wishes to view cumulative totals
        background_colour = (231,247,146)
        (width, height) = (1500, 900)
        screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
        pygame.display.set_caption('Running Totals')
        # initialise new window with yellow background and title
        myFont = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 40)
        myFont2 = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)
        # initialise small and large fonts
        text = myFont.render("In store totals:", True, (0, 0, 0))
        text3 = myFont.render("Takeaway totals:", True, (0, 0, 0))
        text4 = myFont.render("In store earnings:", True, (0, 0, 0))
        text5 = myFont.render("Takeaway earnings:", True, (0, 0, 0))
        text6 = myFont.render(f"Total discounts: ${total_discounts}", True, (0, 0, 0))
        text7 = myFont.render(f"Total gst: ${total_gst}", True, (0, 0, 0))
        text8 = myFont.render(f"Total surcharges: ${total_takeawaycharges}", True, (0, 0, 0))
        # initialise headings and totals to display on screen
        # fill screen with background color
        # update screen
        running = True
        # run window
        while running:
        # while window is running
            screen.blit(text, (20, 20))
            screen.blit(text3, (300, 20))
            screen.blit(text4, (600, 20))
            screen.blit(text5, (900, 20))
            screen.blit(text6, (20, 700))
            screen.blit(text7, (20, 740))
            screen.blit(text8, (20, 780))
            # project all text onto screen
            # update screen
            initial = 70
            # set initial as 70 down 
            for item, values in totalsdict.items():
            # for values stored in totals dict
                text2 = myFont2.render(f'{item.title()}: {values[0]}', True, (0,0,0))
                # print out item and equivalent total in small font
                screen.blit(text2, (20, initial))
                # display text on screen
                # update screen
                initial += 40
                # increase inital by 40 so values print vertically down
            initial = 70
            # set initial as 70 down 
            for item, values in totalsdict.items():
            # for values stored in totals dict
                text2 = myFont2.render(f'{item.title()}: {values[1]}', True, (0,0,0))
                # print out item and equivalent total in small font
                screen.blit(text2, (300, initial))
                # display text on screen
                # update screen
                initial += 40
                # increase inital by 40 so values print vertically down
            initial = 70
            # set initial as 70 down 
            for item, values in totalsdict.items():
            # for values stored in totals dict
                text2 = myFont2.render(f'{item.title()}: {values[2]}', True, (0,0,0))
                # print out item and equivalent total in small font
                screen.blit(text2, (600, initial))
                # display text on screen
                # update screen
                initial += 40
                # increase inital by 40 so values print vertically down
            initial = 70
            # set initial as 70 down 
            for item, values in totalsdict.items():
            # for values stored in totals dict
                text2 = myFont2.render(f'{item.title()}: {values[3]}', True, (0,0,0))
                # print out item and equivalent total in small font
                screen.blit(text2, (900, initial))
                # display text on screen
                # update screen
                initial += 40
                # increase inital by 40 so values print vertically down
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                    running = False
                if running == False:
                # code to stop running if 'X' is pressed

如果用户想查看累计总数,他们输入“y”作为 totalconf。这段代码位于一个连续的 while 循环中,该循环接受命令,直到输入一个空白。程序第一次运行时效果很好,可以在不停止程序的情况下打开和关闭。但是,第二次,如果我希望查看更新的累积总数并打开 pygame 窗口,我会收到一条消息,上面写着“后端终止或断开连接。Windows 致命异常:访问冲突”。这是一个非常长的程序,但我希望我提供的信息已经足够了。


标签: pythonpygame



for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        running = False
    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
        if event.key == pygame.K_x:
            running = False

