首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试使用 pyvis 可视化 networkx 图时如何解决此关键错误?


您好,我在 python 中有另一个 netowrkx 问题。我正在尝试使用以下函数来创建可视化,但每当我尝试运行以下代码时都会出现 keyerror:

G = nx.Graph()
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(

node_attr = df_nodes.set_index('user_id')
nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_attr)

communities = community.greedy_modularity_communities(G)

modularity_dict = {} # Create a blank dictionary
for i,c in enumerate(communities): # Loop through the list of communities, keeping track of the number for the community
    for name in c: # Loop through each person in a community
        modularity_dict[name] = i # Create an entry in the dictionary for the person, where the value is which group they belong to.

# Now you can add modularity information like we did the other metrics
nx.set_node_attributes(G, modularity_dict, 'modularity')

def visualize(identity_id,html_name):
    #create subgraph using the provided identity_id
    classx = [n for n in G.nodes() if G.nodes[n]['modularity'] == 
    SG = G.subgraph(classx)
    #instantiate the Network object
    N = Network(height='800px', width='100%', bgcolor='#ffffff', 
                font_color='black',notebook = True, directed=False)
    #this line effects the physics of the html File
    for n in SG:
        if ((SG.nodes[n]['category']=='cust') and (SG.nodes[n]['status']=='ACTIVE')):  # assign color to nodes based on cust status
            color = 'green'
            shape = 'square'
        if ((SG.nodes[n]['category']=='cust') and (SG.nodes[n]['status']=='CLOSED')):  # assign color to nodes based on cust status
            color = 'red'
            shape = 'square'   
        elif SG.nodes[n]['category']=='app':# assign shape to nodes based on cust versus app
            color = 'blue'
            shape = 'triangle'
        N.add_node(n, label=n, color=color,shape = shape)
    for e in SG.edges:
        if e in SG.edges:  # add the edges to the graph
            color = 'black'
            width = 2
        N.add_edge(e[0],e[1],color=color, width=width)

    N.show(f'subgraph_{html_name}.html')  # save a html file in current dir
    print(f"Number of nodes in this customer's device based network: {SG.number_of_nodes()}")
    print('\nList of associated customers and applications based on device:\n')
    display(df_nodes[(df_nodes['user_id'].isin(list(SG.nodes)))])#print list of customer_ids that are associated with the customer
    network_df= df_nodes[(df_nodes['user_id'].isin(list(SG.nodes)))]

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-124-d0c830d4c4a1> in <module>
----> 1 visualize('b572f4d3-2c69-48fa-91fe-849fa55d1be7','customerA')

<ipython-input-123-5d1d5e9d24a4> in visualize(identity_id, html_name)
     15     for n in SG:
---> 16         if ((SG.nodes[n]['category']=='cust') and (SG.nodes[n]['status']=='ACTIVE')):  # assign color to nodes based on cust status
     17             color = 'green'
     18             shape = 'square'

KeyError: 'category'


对于那些好奇的人来说,这就是 df_nodes DataFrame 的样子:




标签: pythonpython-3.xnetworkxpyvis

