首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 Pyspark 更改重复行的值,保持第一条记录不变


如何更改包含特定列重复记录的行上的列状态值,并将第一个(具有较低 id)保持为 A,例如:



ID 帐户ID 用户身份
1 一个 1
2 一个 1
3 b 1
4 C 2
5 C 2
6 C 2
7 d 3
8 d 3
9 e 3


ID 帐户ID 用户身份 地位
1 一个 1 一个
2 一个 1
3 b 1
4 C 2 一个
5 C 2
6 C 2
7 d 3 一个
8 d 3
9 e 3



标签: pyspark



from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Window as W

    # Distinguishes between "first occurrence" vs "2nd occurrence" and so on
    .withColumn('rank', F.rank().over(W.partitionBy('account_id', 'user_id').orderBy('id')))
    # Detecting if there is no duplication per pair of 'account_id' and 'user_id'
    .withColumn('count', F.count('*').over(W.partitionBy('account_id', 'user_id')))
    # building status based on conditions
    .withColumn('status', F
        .when(F.col('count') == 1, 'I') # if there is only one record, status is 'I'
        .when(F.col('rank') == 1, 'A')  # if there is more than one record, the first occurrence is 'A'
        .otherwise('E')                 # finally, the other occurrences are 'E'

# Output
# +---+----------+-------+----+-----+------+
# | id|account_id|user_id|rank|count|status|
# +---+----------+-------+----+-----+------+
# |  1|         a|      1|   1|    2|     A|
# |  2|         a|      1|   2|    2|     E|
# |  3|         b|      1|   1|    1|     I|
# |  4|         c|      2|   1|    3|     A|
# |  5|         c|      2|   2|    3|     E|
# |  6|         c|      2|   3|    3|     E|
# |  7|         d|      3|   1|    2|     A|
# |  8|         d|      3|   2|    2|     E|
# |  9|         e|      3|   1|    1|     I|
# +---+----------+-------+----+-----+------+
