首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 listGetAt 分隔符获取字符串


我有这个字符串supplier_id ~|(~ '3422' ~)|~supplier_name ~|(~ 'WD Ltd.' ~)|~project_personnel ~|(~ 'Yaya Toure (temp)' ~)|~lt_project_code ~|(~ '013-7718321' ~)|~ id ~|(~ '668'

我需要在里面获取内容~|(~data~)|~。我使用listGetAt分隔符。(问题是分隔符内的某些数据包含破坏搜索的括号。例如Yaya Toure (temp),包含括号。

<cfset test = "supplier_id ~|(~ '3422' ~)|~supplier_name ~|(~ 'WD Ltd.' ~)|~project_personnel ~|(~ 'Yaya Toure (temp)' ~)|~lt_project_code ~|(~ '013-7718321' ~)|~ id ~|(~ '668'">

<cfset count_column = ListLen(test, "~)|~")>

<cfset column_name = ''>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to=8 >
    <cfif i mod 2 EQ 0>
        <cfset column_name = ListAppend(column_name,listGetAt(test, i, "~|(~~)|~" ),",")>


Result : #column_name#

输出 :Result : '3422' , 'WD Ltd.' , 'Yaya Toure ,'

我的预期结果是:'3422' , 'WD Ltd.' , 'Yaya Toure (temp)' , '013-7718321'(temp)如果我从字符串中删除它将起作用。请协助我,并提前致谢。

中:https ://cffiddle.org/app/file?filepath=ab77d723-1b04-46d6-8d80-fb765b881768/5c8c9eed-a16a-4f3a-b40b-fd7479fdc5ea/dae87d17-2826-4c63-b54c-55a57a8e4398.cfm

标签: stringcoldfusiondelimiter


选项 1:使用支持多字符分隔符的 CF 列表函数,例如listToArray

    // split on first delimiter get "name->value" string
    nameValuePairs = test.listToArray("~)|~" , false, true);

    columnValues = [];
    nameValuePairs.each(function(pair, index) {
        // split on second delimiter to extract value
        local.data = pair.listToArray("~|(~", false, true);
        columnValues.append( local.data[ 2 ] );
    writeDump( "Result 1: "& columnValues.toList() );    

选项 2:如果您可以识别值中从未存在的单个字符,可能是不可打印的字符,只需替换现有的分隔符,然后像往常一样循环。

      // 31 == Unit separator        
      delim     = chr(31);
      newString = test.replace( "~)|~", delim, "all")
                    .replace( "~|(~", delim, "all");

      columnValues = [];
      newString.listToArray( delim ).each(function( elem, index) {
          if (index mod 2 == 0) {
              columnValues.append( elem );
      WriteOutput( "<br>Result 2: "&  columnValues.toList()  );        


TryCF 示例


supp~|(~lier_isd ~|(~ '3422' ~)|~supplier_name ~|(~ 'WD Ltd.' ~)|~project_personnel ~|(~ 'Yaya Toure (temp)' ~)|~lt_project_code ~|(~ '013-7718321' ~)|~ id ~|(~ '668'虽然我期待的这个字符串有问题lier_isd ~|(~ '3422', 'WD Ltd.', 'Yaya Toure (temp)', '013-7718321'

最初的字符串似乎使用了 format name ~|(~ value ~)|~。但是,如果本身可以包含列表分隔符之一 ~|(~,您将无法使用列表函数,因为该函数无法区分何时~|(~充当分隔符和何时充当值的一部分。您需要改用正则表达式。这不是我的强项,但这样的事情应该有效

TryCF 示例

  values = [];
  // Find groups of "~|(~ value ~)|~"
  matches = reMatch( "~\|\(~(.+?)(?=~\)\|~)", test);
  matches.each( function(item, index) {
    // remove text up to and including the first "~|(~"
    local.str = reReplace( item, ".*?~\|\(~", "");
    values.append( local.str );
  WriteOutput( "Result 1: "& values.toList() );    


     ~        Find tilde "~"
     \|       Find pipe "|"
     \(       Find open parenthesis "("
     ~        Find tilde "~"
     (.+?)    One ore more characters, non-greedy
     (?=      Followed by (Non-capturing lookahead) 
     ~        tilde "~"
     \)       close parenthesis "("
     \|       pipe "|"
     ~        tilde "~"
     )        End lookahead
     .*?      Zero or more characters
     ~        Find tilde "~"
     \|       Find pipe "|"
     \(       Find open parenthesis "("
     ~        Find tilde "~"
