首页 > 解决方案 > 类型别名引入错误:“cast 要求为 `'static` 借用 `*variable*`”


我正在开发一个 roguelike 可见性功能。我想传入一个谓词来确定瓷砖是否阻挡了视线。以下代码按预期工作:

fn compute_visible_tiles(
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    range: i32,
    pred: &dyn Fn(i32, i32) -> bool,
) -> Vec<(i32, i32)> {
    let mut visible: Vec<(i32, i32)> = Vec::new();
    let mut pos_x = x;
    let pos_y = y;

    while pred(pos_x, pos_y) && manhattan_dist(x, y, pos_x, pos_y) < range {
        visible.push((pos_x, pos_y));

        // generate new position to check
        pos_x += 1;


pub fn run() {
    let map = new_square_map();

    let tiles = compute_visible_tiles(2, 3, 2, &|x, y| !map.is_blocking(x, y));
    println!("num tiles visible: {:?}", tiles.len());


type XYPredicate = dyn Fn(i32, i32) -> bool;

fn compute_visible_tiles(
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    range: i32,
    pred: &XYPredicate,
) -> Vec<(i32, i32)> {
    let mut visible: Vec<(i32, i32)> = Vec::new();
    let mut pos_x = x;
    let pos_y = y;

    while pred(pos_x, pos_y) && manhattan_dist(x, y, pos_x, pos_y) < range {
        visible.push((pos_x, pos_y));

        // generate new position to check
        pos_x += 1;


pub fn run() {
    let map = new_square_map();

    let tiles = compute_visible_tiles(2, 3, 2, &|x, y| !map.is_blocking(x, y));
    println!("num tiles visible: {:?}", tiles.len());

error[E0597]: `map` does not live long enough
  --> src/lib.rs:79:57
79 |     let tiles = compute_visible_tiles(2, 3, 2, &|x, y| !map.is_blocking(x, y));
   |                                                ---------^^^------------------
   |                                                ||       |
   |                                                ||       borrowed value does not live long enough
   |                                                |value captured here
   |                                                cast requires that `map` is borrowed for `'static`
80 |     println!("num tiles visible: {:?}", tiles.len());
81 | }
   | - `map` dropped here while still borrowed



标签: rust


这是由于终身省略。函数 case 中的默认生命周期(每个参数的唯一生命周期)与typecase ( 'static) 中的默认生命周期不同。您需要明确指出生命周期不是静态的:

type XYPredicate<'a> = dyn Fn(i32, i32) -> bool + 'a;

