首页 > 解决方案 > 如何让这个程序运行4次没有结束


我这学期刚开始“C++ 简介”,我一直在做一个练习,该练习涉及从表格中获取数据并编写一个程序,让您输入和显示每个项目(逐行)显示项目、成本、并计算总成本。

我编写的程序非常适合第一个项目,但我需要它重复相同的 3 个问题(允许用户在每次重复问题时输入不同的项目/成本/折扣),同时在每个问题后打印计算的总数被回答。我假设这将涉及do-while循环或for循环,但我无法弄清楚如何将我已经编写的内容集成到循环中。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    string Item;
    float Cost;
    float Discount;
    float TotalCost;

    cout << "What is the item? \n";
    cin >> Item;

    cout << "What is the cost? \n";
    cin >> Cost;

    cout << "What is the discount? \n";
    cin >> Discount;

    TotalCost = Cost - Discount;
    cout << Item << "'s Total Cost is " << TotalCost;
    return 0;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    string Item;
    float Cost;
    float Discount;
    float TotalCost;

    for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++)
        cout << "What is the item? \n";
        cin >> Item;

        cout << "What is the cost? \n";
        cin >> Cost;

        cout << "What is the discount? \n";
        cin >> Discount;

        TotalCost = Cost - Discount;

        cout << Item << "'s Total Cost is " << TotalCost;

    return 0;

标签: c++loops



  1. 我们只运行了 4 次,所以应该是a < 4
  2. 拿到物品后,使用该std::getline功能。这将返回用户输入的所有内容,包括空格。
  3. 我们需要忽略空行。当我们再次开始循环时,有一个空行,因为用户在输入折扣后按了“回车”。所以我们需要将 放入getline一个循环中,并读取行,直到找到一个不为空的行。
  4. 当您在最后打印总成本时,添加一个换行符,这样当循环体再次开始时,我们就在一个新行上。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    string Item;
    float Cost;
    float Discount;
    float TotalCost;

    for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) // (1)
        cout << "What is the item? \n";
        do {
            // (2) Use the std::getline function to get the entire line.
            std::getline(std::cin, Item);

            // (3) Empty lines should be ignored. If the line is empty,
            // Get a line again.
        } while(Item.size() == 0);

        cout << "What is the cost? \n";
        cin >> Cost;

        cout << "What is the discount? \n";
        cin >> Discount;

        TotalCost = Cost - Discount;

        // (4) Put a newline here at the end to make sure the buffer
        // Gets flushed before the loop starts again.
        cout << Item << "'s Total Cost is " << TotalCost << '\n';

    return 0;

您不需要为 Cost、Discount 或 TotalCost 使用数组,因为每次新的循环迭代都可以覆盖它们。
