首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么我在 R 中的经纬度点的交点与正确的邮政编码不一致?


这让我整天发疯。我正在将纬度/经度坐标映射到北卡罗来纳州的邮政编码。6000 个点中的约 5000 个映射得很好,但是,军事基地(布拉格堡)周围的点没有映射到任何邮政编码。我编写了代码来获取每个点最近的邮政编码,以将其映射到这些邮政编码,但是当我回去检查以确保它正常工作时,它会将这些点映射到甚至不靠近纬度/的邮政编码lon坐标是。

这是 shapefile 的链接 https://www.nconemap.gov/datasets/nconemap::zip-code-tabulation-areas/about


### Sample data from 3 points that did not work.

POINT_LAT = c(35.18, 35.181, 35.182)
POINT_LON = c(-79.19, -79.272, -79.24)

all_points = cbind(POINT_LAT, POINT_LON)

zipcode_nc = read.sf(NC_zipcodes.shp)
zipmap = st_transform(zipcode_nc, crs = 4326)

locations_zip = st_as_sf(all_points, coords = "POINT_LON", "POINT_LAT"), crs = st_crs(zipmap))

point_zips = locations_zip %>%
    mutate(intersection = as.integer(st_intersects(geometry, zipmap)), area = if_else(is.na(intersection), ' ', zipmap$GEOID10,[intersection]))

## Try to map missing points to closest zip code.

points_zips_external_nearest = point_zips %>%
    filter(is.na(intersection)) %>%

points_zips_external = points_zips %>%
    filter(is.na(intersection)) %>%
    mutate(zip = point_zips$ZIP[points_zips_external_nearest])


标签: rsf



  • 找不到read.sf()功能 - 你的意思是read_sf()
  • 如果不先制作一个小标题,我就无法locations_zip使用。st_as_sf()all_points
  • 制作时points_zips,特别是mutateing -不需要area逗号,会导致错误。zipmap$GEOID10,[intersection]



首先,加载库和数据。我曾经st_read()从下载时附带的文件夹的名称中导入 shapefile。


# sample points
POINT_LAT = c(35.18, 35.181, 35.182)
POINT_LON = c(-79.19, -79.272, -79.24)
all_points = cbind(POINT_LAT, POINT_LON)

# zipcode_nc = read.sf(NC_zipcodes.shp)
zipcode_nc <- st_read('ZIP_Code_Tabulation_Areas/ZIP_Code_Tabulation_Areas.shp')

zipmap = st_transform(zipcode_nc, crs = 4326)


# Simple feature collection with 808 features and 8 fields
# Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
# Dimension:     XY
# Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32186 ymin: 33.84231 xmax: -75.46062 ymax: 36.58811
# Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# First 10 features:
#    OBJECTID ZCTA5CE10     AFFGEOID10 GEOID10   ALAND10 AWATER10   ShapeSTAre  ShapeSTLen                       geometry
# 1         1     28306 8600000US28306   28306 177888344  2457841 180219025.11 155040.4114 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.06381 3...
# 2         2     28334 8600000US28334   28334 414866754  3998968 418736167.65 161264.1606 MULTIPOLYGON (((-78.73546 3...
# 3         3     28169 8600000US28169   28169   1450978        0   1413700.15   6504.1990 MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.43786 3...
# 4         4     27278 8600000US27278   27278 262556156  2234207 264733578.27 138272.0708 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.20634 3...
# 5         5     28325 8600000US28325   28325   2203868        0   2175834.07   7088.4067 MULTIPOLYGON (((-78.11489 3...
# 6         6     28472 8600000US28472   28472 469545124  1646985 471198707.46 225630.0920 MULTIPOLYGON (((-78.85764 3...
# 7         7     27841 8600000US27841   27841    684051        0    669653.06   4155.6886 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.28181 3...
# 8         8     28280 8600000US28280   28280     19577        0     19572.48    560.1441 MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.8442 35...
# 9         9     28560 8600000US28560   28560 304195338 65656182 314791215.62 206410.4354 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.15578 3...
# 10       10     27881 8600000US27881   27881   1760084        0   1765449.38   8334.0644 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.44656 3...

# locations_zip = st_as_sf(all_points, coords = c("POINT_LON", "POINT_LAT"), crs = st_crs(zipmap))
locations_zip = st_as_sf(all_points %>% as_tibble, coords = c("POINT_LON", "POINT_LAT"), crs = st_crs(zipmap))


# Geometry type: POINT
# Dimension:     XY
# Bounding box:  xmin: -79.272 ymin: 35.18 xmax: -79.19 ymax: 35.182
# Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# # A tibble: 3 x 1
# geometry
# *      <POINT [°]>
# 1   (-79.19 35.18)
# 2 (-79.272 35.181)
# 3  (-79.24 35.182)


# a map
# Error: Shape contains invalid polygons. Please fix it or set tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) and rerun the plot


因此,我使用 使多边形有效st_make_valid(),然后使用st_cast()来分隔每个单独的多边形。如果没有这个,一些邮政编码有多个多边形,所以在下一步中绘制标签是很棘手的。

# make the polygons valid
zipmap %>% 
  st_make_valid() %>% 
  st_cast('POLYGON') %>% 
  {. ->> zipmap_2}


# Simple feature collection with 966 features and 8 fields
# Geometry type: POLYGON
# Dimension:     XY
# Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32186 ymin: 33.84231 xmax: -75.46062 ymax: 36.58811
# Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# First 10 features:
#     OBJECTID ZCTA5CE10     AFFGEOID10 GEOID10   ALAND10 AWATER10 ShapeSTAre ShapeSTLen                       geometry
# 1          1     28306 8600000US28306   28306 177888344  2457841  180219025 155040.411 POLYGON ((-79.06394 34.9998...
# 1.1        1     28306 8600000US28306   28306 177888344  2457841  180219025 155040.411 POLYGON ((-78.8688 34.89214...
# 1.2        1     28306 8600000US28306   28306 177888344  2457841  180219025 155040.411 POLYGON ((-78.86443 34.9142...
# 1.3        1     28306 8600000US28306   28306 177888344  2457841  180219025 155040.411 POLYGON ((-78.8571 34.90978...
# 1.4        1     28306 8600000US28306   28306 177888344  2457841  180219025 155040.411 POLYGON ((-79.05672 34.9803...
# 2          2     28334 8600000US28334   28334 414866754  3998968  418736168 161264.161 POLYGON ((-78.73424 35.1739...
# 3          3     28169 8600000US28169   28169   1450978        0    1413700   6504.199 POLYGON ((-81.43807 35.3547...
# 4          4     27278 8600000US27278   27278 262556156  2234207  264733578 138272.071 POLYGON ((-79.20665 35.9857...
# 5          5     28325 8600000US28325   28325   2203868        0    2175834   7088.407 POLYGON ((-78.11554 35.1526...
# 6          6     28472 8600000US28472   28472 469545124  1646985  471198707 225630.092 POLYGON ((-78.85624 34.4161...


# make point ID for the 3 points
locations_zip %>% 
    id = row_number()
  ) %>% 
  {. ->> locations_zip_2}

# Simple feature collection with 3 features and 1 field
# Geometry type: POINT
# Dimension:     XY
# Bounding box:  xmin: -79.272 ymin: 35.18 xmax: -79.19 ymax: 35.182
# Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# # A tibble: 3 x 2
#           geometry    id
# *      <POINT [°]> <int>
# 1   (-79.19 35.18)     1
# 2 (-79.272 35.181)     2
# 3  (-79.24 35.182)     3


# now make the map again

tm_shape(zipmap_2, bbox = locations_zip_2 %>% st_buffer(3000) %>% st_bbox)+
  tm_shape(zipmap_2 %>% st_centroid)+
  tm_text(text = 'ZCTA5CE10', size = 2)+
  tm_dots(col = 'red')+
  tm_text(text = 'id', ymod = -3, col = 'red', size = 2)



# which is the closest zip code to each point?
locations_zip_2 %>% 
    nearest_index = st_nearest_feature(., zipmap_2),
    nearest_zip_code = zipmap_2$ZCTA5CE10[nearest_index]

# Simple feature collection with 3 features and 3 fields
# Geometry type: POINT
# Dimension:     XY
# Bounding box:  xmin: -79.272 ymin: 35.18 xmax: -79.19 ymax: 35.182
# Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# # A tibble: 3 x 4
#           geometry    id nearest_index nearest_zip_code
# *      <POINT [°]> <int>         <int> <chr>           
# 1   (-79.19 35.18)     1            76 28315           
# 2 (-79.272 35.181)     2           117 28394           
# 3  (-79.24 35.182)     3            76 28315   

