首页 > 解决方案 > 从 Start-Job (Powershell) 更新 winforms GUI


我正在尝试在 powershell 中创建自定义 Robocopy 状态 GUI,这是我的基本代码。

$script:Robocopy = Start-Process -FilePath robocopy.exe -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Verbose -PassThru -NoNewWindow;

$RCStatus = Start-Job -Name RCLOOP -ArgumentList $Robocopy, $ReportGap, $RobocopyLogPath, $RegexBytes, $RobocopyFileProgress, $RobocopyMBProgress, $RobocopyGBProgress, $RobocopyPcntProgress, $RobocopySpeed {
        param ($Robocopy, $ReportGap, $RobocopyLogPath, $RegexBytes, $RobocopyFileProgress, $RobocopyMBProgress, $RobocopyGBProgress, $RobocopyPcntProgress, $RobocopySpeed)
        $iterations = 0
        [array]$avgSpeedarray = @()
        while (!$Robocopy.HasExited) {
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $ReportGap;
            $BytesCopied = 0;
            $LogContent = Get-Content -Path $RobocopyLogPath;
            $BytesCopied = [Regex]::Matches($LogContent, $RegexBytes) | ForEach-Object -Process { $BytesCopied += $_.Value; } -End { $BytesCopied; };
            $global:MBCopied = ($BytesCopied / 1048576)
            $global:GBCopied = ($BytesCopied / 1073741824)
            $script:CopiedFileCount = $LogContent.Count - 1;
            if ($iterations % 2 -eq 1) {
                $M = $MBCopied
            else {
                $B = $MBCopied
                $script:TSpeed = ($B - $M) * 8
                $avgSpeedarray += $script:TSpeed
                if ($avgSpeedarray.count -gt 4) {
                    $script:avgSpeed = (($avgSpeedarray[-1..-10] | Measure-Object -sum).sum) / 10
                    if ($avgSpeedarray.count -gt 19) {
                        $keep = $avgSpeedarray[-1..-9]
                        $avgSpeedarray = @()
                        $avgSpeedarray += $keep
            if ($iterations % 20 -eq 0) {
            Write-Verbose -Message ('MB copied: {0}' -f $MBCopied);
            Write-Verbose -Message ('Files copied: {0}' -f $LogContent.Count);
            $Percentage = 0;
            if ($BytesCopied -gt 0) {
                $Percentage = (($BytesCopied / $BytesTotal) * 100)
            #Write-Progress -Activity Robocopy -Status ("Copied {0} of {1} | {2}GB of {3}GB | {4}MB of {5}MB | {6}% Complete (Average: {7}Mbps)" -f $CopiedFileCount, $TotalFileCount, [Math]::Round($GBCopied, 2), [Math]::Round($GBTotal, 2), [Math]::Round($MBCopied, 2), [Math]::Round($MBTotal), [Math]::Round($Percentage, 2), [Math]::Round($script:avgSpeed,2)) -PercentComplete $Percentage
            $RobocopyFileProgress.Text = ("Files: {0} of {1}" -f $CopiedFileCount, $TotalFileCount)
            $RobocopyMBProgress.Text = ("Data: {0}MB of {1}MB" -f [Math]::Round($MBCopied, 2), [Math]::Round($MBTotal, 2))
            $RobocopyGBProgress.Text = ("Data: {0}GB of {1}GB" -f [Math]::Round($GBCopied, 2), [Math]::Round($GBTotal, 2))
            $RobocopyPcntProgress.Text = ("Percentage: {0}%" -f [Math]::Round($Percentage, 2))
            $RobocopySpeed.text = ("Speed: {0}Mbps" -f [Math]::Round($script:avgSpeed, 2))


    #endregion Progress loop
    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $script:Robocopy -EventName OutputDataReceived -SourceIdentifier 'RobocopyStatus' -Action {
        $RobocopyFileProgress.Text = ("Files: {0} of {1}" -f $CopiedFileCount, $TotalFileCount)
        $RobocopyMBProgress.Text = ("Data: {0}MB of {1}MB" -f [Math]::Round($MBCopied, 2), [Math]::Round($MBTotal, 2))
        $RobocopyGBProgress.Text = ("Data: {0}GB of {1}GB" -f [Math]::Round($GBCopied, 2), [Math]::Round($GBTotal, 2))
        $RobocopyPcntProgress.Text = ("Percentage: {0}%" -f [Math]::Round($Percentage, 2))
        $RobocopySpeed.text = ("Speed: {0}Mbps" -f [Math]::Round($script:avgSpeed, 2))


我知道我的代码非常冗长,它是故障排除过程的一部分,我知道 C# 是一个更好的选择,但我正在尝试在 powershell 中实现它,因为我在 C# 中不是很好。任何帮助或建议都会很棒。如果您需要我的程序中我错过的任何其他代码,请告诉我,我会提供

标签: powershellwinformsuser-interfacerobocopystart-job


这是一个如何在 powershell 中使用带有进度条的 robocopy 的示例。我改编了一个现有的答案,然后根据我在使用它时发现的一些问题对其进行了进一步的改进。希望它有所帮助。


如果你想做一个 GUI,我还建议使用 WPF/xaml 而不是 winforms。Winforms 在 PowerShell 中似乎有些不稳定。此外,您可以在 Visual Studio 中创建您的 xaml,然后复制/粘贴。这也允许您将可视化与功能分开。
