首页 > 解决方案 > ODBC/JDBC Driver to Azure connection fails with a 401/403 error when connecting via Power BI/ Python / Tableau


I am trying to connect to my companys databricks and I can write a sql script in the notebook and it gives me an output. However, I am currently trying to connect to databricks via python/power bi and i keep getting a 401 and/or 403 error.

enter image description here

^ these are the settings in azure for me.

enter image description here

^^ this is how i put it into the simba spark odbc driver DSN setup. enter image description here

^ these are my http properties and SSL options as inputted.

enter image description here

^^ ODBC datasource administrator in 64 bit

enter image description here

enter image description here

this is the error that im getting.

enter image description here

^ this is the output when i try to make a connection through python

标签: pythonazurepowerbiodbctableau-api


我遇到了同样的问题,然后发现没有创建个人访问令牌。当我们克隆集群时,我们错过了创建新令牌。一旦我创建了令牌并提供了它,我就能够连接 JDBC 和 ODBC。


编辑:我们还意识到,在此测试之前,我们实际上并没有在浏览器中从这台机器登录到 Microsoft Azure。在使用正确令牌的新测试期间,我们从同一台计算机登录到 Azure 门户。

因此,我们想检查这是否有问题并从 Azure 门户注销,但我们又遇到了类似的错误。因此,如果可以,请在浏览器中登录到使用 ODBC DSN 的同一台计算机上的 Azure 门户,看看它是否有效。
