首页 > 解决方案 > React - 将信息传递到组件中,呈现为 null


我不知何故破坏了我的工作 React 代码,我不知道为什么。我是学习 React 的新手,到目前为止,我修复它的所有尝试都没有根据,而且我可能把它弄得更糟。

我有 4 张“菜单”卡。当您单击菜单卡时,左下角会弹出一个新卡,其中包含有关该菜单项的一些附加信息,以及右下角有关该菜单项的评论。

我有一个 DishDetail 组件,它呈现该 selectedDish 信息。组件安装和渲染,但我的 disdetail 渲染为 null

我的主组件渲染了 Menu 组件和 discretail 组件:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Navbar, NavbarBrand } from 'reactstrap';
import Menu from './MenuComponent';
import DishDetail from './DishdetailComponent';
import { DISHES } from '../shared/dishes';

class Main extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        dishes: DISHES,
        selectedDish: null

  //sets the state of the selected Dish
  onDishSelect(dishId) {
    this.setState({ selectedDish: dishId});

  //Renders the page with all its subcomponents
  render() {
    return (
        <Navbar dark color="primary">
          <div className="container">
            <NavbarBrand href="/">Ristorante Con Fusion</NavbarBrand>
        <Menu dishes={this.state.dishes} onClick={(dishId) => this.onDishSelect(dishId)} />
        <DishDetail dish={this.state.dishes.filter((dish) => dish.id === this.state.selectedDish)[0]} />

export default Main;

菜单组件渲染 4 个菜单卡片

import React from 'react';
import { Card, CardImg, CardImgOverlay, CardText, CardBody, CardTitle } from 'reactstrap';

    function RenderMenuItem({ dish, onClick }) {
            <Card key={dish.id}
                onClick={() => props.onClick(dish.id)}>
                    <CardImg width="100%" src={dish.image} alt={dish.name} />

    const Menu = (props) => {

        const menu = props.dishes.map((dish) => {
            return (
              <div key={dish.id} className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
                <RenderMenuItem dish={dish} onClick={props.onClick} />

        //then returns a container of the menu
        return (
            <div className="container">
              <div className="row">


export default Menu;


import React from 'react';
import { Card, CardImg, CardImgOverlay, CardText, CardBody, CardTitle } from 

    function RenderDish({dish}) {
        if (dish != null)
                <div className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
                    <CardImg top src={dish.image} alt={dish.name} />
                <div>For Some Reason, dish is null</div>

    function RenderComments({comments}){
        if (comments != null){
            const coms = comments.map((com) => {
                    <ul key={com.id} className='list-unstyled'>
                            -- {com.author}, { }
                                new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {
                                    month: 'short', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric' 
                                }).format(new Date(com.date))
                <div className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
                <div>For Some reason, comments are null</div>


    const DishDetail = (props) => {
        return (
            <div className="container">
                <div className="row">
                    <RenderDish dish={props.dish} />
                    <RenderComments comments={props.comments} />

export default DishDetail;


export const DISHES =
    id: 0,
    image: 'assets/images/uthappizza.png',
    category: 'mains',
    description:'A unique combination of Indian Uthappam (pancake) and Italian pizza, topped with Cerignola olives, ripe vine cherry tomatoes, Vidalia onion, Guntur chillies and Buffalo Paneer.',
    comments: [
        id: 0,
        rating: 5,
        comment: "Imagine all the eatables, living in conFusion!",
        author: "John Lemon",
        date: "2012-10-16T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 1,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Sends anyone to heaven, I wish I could get my mother-in-law to eat it!",
        author: "Paul McVites",
        date: "2014-09-05T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 2,
        rating: 3,
        comment: "Eat it, just eat it!",
        author: "Michael Jaikishan",
        date: "2015-02-13T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 3,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Ultimate, Reaching for the stars!",
        author: "Ringo Starry",
        date: "2013-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 4,
        rating: 2,
        comment: "It's your birthday, we're gonna party!",
        author: "25 Cent",
        date: "2011-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"
    ]                        },
    id: 1,
    image: 'assets/images/zucchipakoda.png',
    category: 'appetizer',
    description:'Deep fried Zucchini coated with mildly spiced Chickpea flour batter accompanied with a sweet-tangy tamarind sauce',
    comments: [
        id: 0,
        rating: 5,
        comment: "Imagine all the eatables, living in conFusion!",
        author: "John Lemon",
        date: "2012-10-16T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 1,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Sends anyone to heaven, I wish I could get my mother-in-law to eat it!",
        author: "Paul McVites",
        date: "2014-09-05T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 2,
        rating: 3,
        comment: "Eat it, just eat it!",
        author: "Michael Jaikishan",
        date: "2015-02-13T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 3,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Ultimate, Reaching for the stars!",
        author: "Ringo Starry",
        date: "2013-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 4,
        rating: 2,
        comment: "It's your birthday, we're gonna party!",
        author: "25 Cent",
        date: "2011-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"
    id: 2,
    image: 'assets/images/vadonut.png',
    category: 'appetizer',
    description:'A quintessential ConFusion experience, is it a vada or is it a donut?',
    comments: [
        id: 0,
        rating: 5,
        comment: "Imagine all the eatables, living in conFusion!",
        author: "John Lemon",
        date: "2012-10-16T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 1,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Sends anyone to heaven, I wish I could get my mother-in-law to eat it!",
        author: "Paul McVites",
        date: "2014-09-05T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 2,
        rating: 3,
        comment: "Eat it, just eat it!",
        author: "Michael Jaikishan",
        date: "2015-02-13T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 3,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Ultimate, Reaching for the stars!",
        author: "Ringo Starry",
        date: "2013-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 4,
        rating: 2,
        comment: "It's your birthday, we're gonna party!",
        author: "25 Cent",
        date: "2011-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"
    id: 3,
    name:'ElaiCheese Cake',
    image: 'assets/images/elaicheesecake.png',
    category: 'dessert',
    description:'A delectable, semi-sweet New York Style Cheese Cake, with Graham cracker crust and spiced with Indian cardamoms',
    comments: [
        id: 0,
        rating: 5,
        comment: "Imagine all the eatables, living in conFusion!",
        author: "John Lemon",
        date: "2012-10-16T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 1,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Sends anyone to heaven, I wish I could get my mother-in-law to eat it!",
        author: "Paul McVites",
        date: "2014-09-05T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 2,
        rating: 3,
        comment: "Eat it, just eat it!",
        author: "Michael Jaikishan",
        date: "2015-02-13T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 3,
        rating: 4,
        comment: "Ultimate, Reaching for the stars!",
        author: "Ringo Starry",
        date: "2013-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"
        id: 4,
        rating: 2,
        comment: "It's your birthday, we're gonna party!",
        author: "25 Cent",
        date: "2011-12-02T17:57:28.556094Z"

我认为中断是在 discId 和将该信息传递给 discdetail 组件之间的某个地方,但我不太明白为什么。我是 React 的新手,所以我很难想象/解决这个问题。

标签: reactjs


Fixes are given below.

1. `props.onClick` to `onClick`.

function RenderMenuItem({ dish, onClick }) {
  return (
    <Card key={dish.id} onClick={() => onClick(dish.id)}>
      <CardImg width="100%" src={dish.image} alt={dish.name} />

2. `props.comments` to `props.dish.comments`. To avoid first time invalid access of empty `dish` object for comments insert `null` check.

const DishDetail = (props) => {
  return (
    <div className="container">
      <div className="row">
        <RenderDish dish={props.dish} />
        {props.dish != null && (
          <RenderComments comments={props.dish.comments} />
