首页 > 解决方案 > 当我尝试绕轴和中心旋转时,对象在屏幕外平移


我正在尝试围绕它自己的 3 轴旋转一个立方体,并使其绕屏幕中心运行。这两种转换单独工作,但是当我一起运行它们时,立方体慢慢地移出屏幕。

function loop(timeNow) {
        //calculate time difference
        timeDelta = timeNow - timeLast;
        timeLast = timeNow;

        // background
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
        // c is the centre of the cube
        // rotate along z axis
        let angle = timeDelta * 0.001 * SPEED_Z * Math.PI * 2;
        for (let v of vertices) {
            let dx = v.x - c.x;
            let dy = v.y - c.y;
            let x = dx * Math.cos(angle) - dy * Math.sin(angle);
            let y = dx * Math.sin(angle) + dy * Math.cos(angle);
            v.x = x + c.x;
            v.y = y + c.y;

        // rotate along x axis
        angle = timeDelta * 0.001 * SPEED_X * Math.PI * 2;
        for (let v of vertices) {
            let dz = v.z - c.z;
            let dy = v.y - c.y;
            let z = dy * Math.sin(angle) + dz * Math.cos(angle);
            let y = dy * Math.cos(angle) - dz * Math.sin(angle);
            v.z = z + c.z;
            v.y = y + c.y;

        // rotate along y axis
        angle = timeDelta * 0.001 * SPEED_Y * Math.PI * 2;
        for (let v of vertices) {
            let dz = v.z - c.z;
            let dx = v.x - c.x;
            let z = dz * Math.cos(angle) - dx * Math.sin(angle);
            let x = dz * Math.sin(angle) + dx * Math.cos(angle);
            v.z = z + c.z;
            v.x = x + c.x;

        // centre is the centre of the page
        // rotating around the centre of the page
        let theta = Math.PI * 2 * timeDelta * 0.001 * 0.5;
        for (let v of vertices) {

            let dx = v.x - centre.x;
            let dy = v.y - centre.y;

            let x = dx * Math.cos(theta) - dy * Math.sin(theta);
            let y = dx * Math.sin(theta) + dy * Math.cos(theta);

            v.x = centre.x + x;
            v.y = centre.y + y;

        // draw each edge
        for (let edge of edges) {
            ctx.moveTo(vertices[edge[0]].x, vertices[edge[0]].y);
            ctx.lineTo(vertices[edge[1]].x, vertices[edge[1]].y);

        // call next frame


标签: javascriptgraphicsrotationtransformation

