首页 > 解决方案 > 运行 NI-IMAQ 和 WINAPI 需要 2 个不同的子系统


我正在尝试将 WINAPI 实现为 NI-IMAQ 的功能。但是,NI-IMAQ 要求我在 Visual Studio 中的子系统是控制台,如下所示。

而 WINAPI 要求子系统是 Windows。




int main()

  INTERFACE_ID interfaceID;

  SESSION_ID sessionID;

  unsigned int bitsPerPixel, plotFlag;

  if (imgInterfaceOpen("img0", &interfaceID) == IMG_ERR_GOOD) // "img0" is interfacename, opens an interface named img0

    std::cout << "Interface is open" << std::endl;
    if (imgSessionOpen(interfaceID, &sessionID) == IMG_ERR_GOOD)

        std::cout << "Session is open" << std::endl;

        // 30 sept 2021: try GRAB
        // 1. imgInterfaceOpen (DONE)
        // 2. imgSessionOpen (DONE)
        // 3. imgGrabSetup (DONE)
        // 4. imgSessionStartAcquisition (DONE)
        // 5. imgGrab (DONE)
        // 6. User specific functions
        // 7. imgSessionStop Acquisition (DONE)
        // 8. imgClose (DONE)

        //3. imgGrabSetup
        imgGrabSetup(sessionID, TRUE); //manually start acquisition with imgSessionStartAcquisition

        //4. imgSessionStartAcquisition

        //5. imgGrab (sessionID, buffer address, uint32 waitForNext)
        imgGrab(sessionID, NULL, TRUE);

        // imgSessionSaveBufferEx to save a buffer of a session to PNG
        imgSessionSaveBufferEx(sessionID, NULL, reinterpret_cast<Int8*>(const_cast<char*>("test.png")));
        std::cout << "Image saved" << std::endl;

        // get attributes to get pixel depth of camera
        imgGetAttribute(sessionID, IMG_ATTR_BITSPERPIXEL, &bitsPerPixel); // obtain pixel depth, then store in bitsPerPixel
        std::cout << "Get Attribute" << std::endl;
        // declare plotFlag according to pixel depth, bitsPerPixel
        switch (bitsPerPixel)
        case 10:
            plotFlag = IMGPLOT_MONO_10;
        case 12:
            plotFlag = IMGPLOT_MONO_12;
        case 14:
            plotFlag = IMGPLOT_MONO_14;
        case 16:
            plotFlag = IMGPLOT_MONO_16;
        case 24:
        case 32:
            // assumes that a 24 bits camera is a color camera.
            // in this mode, even if the camera is 24 bits the board returns 32 bits values
            plotFlag = IMGPLOT_COLOR_RGB32;
            plotFlag = IMGPLOT_MONO_8;
        std::cout << "plotFlag obtained" << std::endl;
        //6. functions or display using imgPlot (1. GUIHNDL window, 2. void* buffer, 3. uInt32 leftBufOffset, 4. uInt32 topBufOffset, 5. uInt32 xsize, 6. uInt32 ysize, 
        // 7. uInt32 xpos, 8. uInt32 ypos, 9. uInt32 flags)

        //            1          2   3  4      5              6           7           8          9
        imgPlot2(ImaqSmplHwnd, NULL, 0, 0, AcqWinWidth, AcqWinHeight, CanvasLeft, CanvasTop, plotFlag);
        std::cout << "imgPlot2 done" << std::endl;

        //7. imgSessionStop Acquisition
        std::cout << "Stop acquisition" << std::endl;
        imgClose(sessionID, FALSE); // closes the session using the imgClose function
        std::cout << "Session is closed" << std::endl;


    imgClose(interfaceID, FALSE);   // closes the interface using the imgClose function
    std::cout << "Interface is closed" << std::endl;



// 2.  this is the window event callback function from line 15  , first parameter is window handler
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcessMessages(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM param, LPARAM lparam);

// this is the main function
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE currentInstance, HINSTANCE previousInstance, LPSTR cmdLine, INT cmdCount) 

   // 1. Register the window class
   const char* CLASS_NAME = "myWin32WindowClass";
   WNDCLASS wc{};
   wc.hInstance = currentInstance;
   wc.lpszClassName = CLASS_NAME;
   wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW);
   wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)COLOR_WINDOW;
   wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowProcessMessages; // every window requires a programmer defined callback function that is called by the OS when an event happens ie. close window, click inside window

   // 3.  Create the window
   CreateWindow(CLASS_NAME, "Win32 Tutorial",
    WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,           // Window style
    CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,               // Window initial position
    800, 600,                       // Window size
    nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

   //  4. Lastly,    Window loop - all graphical applications need a loop that runs until application is closed 
   MSG msg{}; // empty window message, while loop runs as long as GetMessage returns TRUE
   while (GetMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0)) 
       //return MessageBox(NULL, "hello, world", "caption", 0);

return 0;

// 2. 
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcessMessages(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM param, LPARAM lparam) 
   switch (msg) {
   case WM_DESTROY: //user pressed cross button at top right corner
       return 0;
       return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, param, lparam);

有 int main() 和 int WINAPI WinMain(),分别运行正常
但是 int main() 中的代码只能在 Subsystem 为 Console 时运行,而 int WINAPI WinMain() 中的代码只能在 Subsystem 为 Windows 时运行。有没有办法将 2 整合为 1 或者它们是否相互冲突?

标签: c++winapi


只能有一个子系统。由于要显示一个窗口,因此请使用 Windows 子系统。

在 int main() 和 int WINAPI WinMain() 之间,使用 int WINAPI WinMain() 作为主函数,并包含来自 int main() 的函数调用。
