首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 JPA 查询严格的 IN 子句


我有 3 个表:student、subject、student_subject_mapping。学生和学科有多对多的关系,第三个表包含该特定学科的映射和标记。

| id   | name   | gpa   |
|:---- |:------:| -----:|
| 1    | Tom    | 7.0   |
| 2    | Jerry  | 8.0   |
| 3    | Popeye | 7.5   |

| id   | name             |
|:---- |:----------------:|
| 1    | Physics          |
| 2    | Chemistry        |
| 3    | Math             |
| 4    | Computer Science |

| student_id | subject_id | score |
|:---------- |:----------:| -----:|
| 1          | 1          | 5.0   |
| 1          | 2          | 6.0   |
| 1          | 3          | 7.5   |
| 1          | 4          | 8.0   |
| 2          | 2          | 6.0   |
| 2          | 3          | 7.0   |
| 2          | 4          | 8.0   |
| 3          | 1          | 7.0   |
| 3          | 3          | 6.0   |
| 3          | 4          | 8.5   |


  1. 选择所有4 个科目且分数> 5 且gpa > 6的学生
  2. 选择至少3 门以上科目且成绩> 6 且gpa > 7的学生
  3. 选择上述科目中至少“n”个且分数> 7 且gpa > 7的学生

科目、“n”、分数和 gpa 是动态的


public class Student implements BaseEntity {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    private String name;
    private Double gpa;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "student", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Set<StudentSubjectMapping> studentSubjectMapping = new HashSet<>();



public class Subject implements BaseEntity {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private String name;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "subject")
    private Set<StudentSubjectMapping> studentSubjectMapping = new HashSet<>();
public class StudentSubjectMapping{

    StudentSubjectMappingId StudentSubjectMappingId;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Student student;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Subject subject;

    private Double score;
public class StudentSubjectMappingId implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Long studentId;
    private Long subjectId;


@Query("from Student student where student.subjects in :subjects group by student.subjects HAVING count(DISTINCT student.subjects) =:count ")

@Query("SELECT new com.nsia.model.Form(f.id, f.name, f.description, f.createdAt, g, COUNT(i.id)) from Form f " +
            "LEFT JOIN f.instances JOIN f.groups g WHERE f.groups IN (?1) group by f.id")
@Query("from Student student LEFT JOIN student.subjects subjects WHERE subjects.id in :subjects group by student.subjects HAVING count(DISTINCT student.subjects.size) =:count ")

@Query("from Student student where student.id not in (SELECT stud.id from Student stud where stud.subjects not in (:subjects))")

@Query("select student from Student as student " +
            "where student.id not in " +
            "(select students.id from Student as students " +
            "join students.subjects as subjects " +
            "where subjects.id not in (:subjectIds))")

@Query(value = "select students.id from Student as students " +
            "left join fetch students.subjects as subjects " +
            "where subjects.id not in (:subjectIds) and students.id in (1,2,3)",
    countQuery = "select count (student) from Student student left join student.subjects")
    List<Long> getstudentIds(@Param("subjectIds") List<Long> subjectIds);

标签: springspring-boothibernatejpaspring-data-jpa



@Query("select student from Student as student " +
        "where student.gpa >= :minGpa and :count >= " +
        "(select count(*) from student.studentSubjectMapping as m " +
        "where m.subject.id in (:subjectIds) " + 
        "and m.score >= :minScore)")
List<Long> getStudents(@Param("count") long count, @Param("minGpa") double minGpa, @Param("minScore") double minScore, @Param("subjectIds") List<Long> subjectIds);

default List<Long> getStudents(double minGpa, double minScore, List<Long> subjectIds) {
    return getStudents(subjectIds.size(), minGpa, minScore, subjectIds);
