首页 > 解决方案 > 优化复杂的mysql以减少查询时间




SELECT a.msisdn, GROUP_CONCAT( COALESCE(a.answer, 'skip') order by a.question_id separator ',') as answer,

(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( COALESCE(answer, 'skip') order by question_id separator ',') as answer FROM  `campaign_survey_responses`
 WHERE campaign_id = 11559 and question_id=14751 and msisdn=a.msisdn) as a1,
 (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( COALESCE(s.answer, 'skip') order by s.question_id separator ',') as answer 
FROM  `campaign_survey_responses` s left join campaign_survey_questions q on q.id = s.question_id 
WHERE s.campaign_id = 11559 and q.parent_id=5128 and q.sort_order = 0 and s.msisdn=a.msisdn) as sur1,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( COALESCE(answer, 'skip') order by question_id separator ',') as answer FROM  `campaign_survey_responses`
WHERE campaign_id = 11559 and question_id=14768 and msisdn=a.msisdn) as a2,

(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( COALESCE(s.answer, 'skip') order by s.question_id separator ',') as answer 
FROM  `campaign_survey_responses` s left join campaign_survey_questions q on q.id = s.question_id 
WHERE s.campaign_id = 11559 and q.parent_id=5108 and q.sort_order = 0 and s.msisdn=a.msisdn) as sur2,

(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( COALESCE(answer, 'skip') order by question_id separator ',') as answer FROM  `campaign_survey_responses`
WHERE campaign_id = 11559 and question_id=14785 and msisdn=a.msisdn) as a3,

(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( COALESCE(s.answer, 'skip') order by s.question_id separator ',') as answer 
FROM  `campaign_survey_responses` s left join campaign_survey_questions q on q.id = s.question_id 
WHERE s.campaign_id = 11559 and q.parent_id=5148 and q.sort_order = 0 and s.msisdn=a.msisdn) as sur3

FROM  `campaign_survey_responses` a
WHERE a.campaign_id = 11559 and a.question_id=14750 group by msisdn limit 500;

上面的查询结合了 100 万行,只产生了大约 50,000 行,现在唯一的目的是导出为 csv。但是上面的查询在运行时花费了太多时间。

我从该查询中应用了 500 的限制,500 行的限制大约需要 78.844856977463 秒,但是 50K 行呢?它将关闭服务器。

任何优化查询的更好方法,我使用的是 Mysql 5.7,谢谢

它返回如下数据,对于限制 500,将有 500 条记录,以下仅以 2 条记录为例。

0 => 
    array (size=8)
      'msisdn' => string '3003932957' (length=10)
      'answer' => string '1' (length=1)
      'answer1' => string '4' (length=1)
      'survey1' => null
      'answer2' => null
      'survey2' => null
      'answer3' => null
      'survey3' => null
  1 => 
    array (size=8)
      'msisdn' => string '3013555354' (length=10)
      'answer' => string '1' (length=1)
      'answer1' => string '3' (length=1)
      'survey1' => string '2,1,1' (length=5)
      'answer2' => null
      'survey2' => null
      'answer3' => null
      'survey3' => null
  2 => 


CREATE TABLE `campaign_survey_responses` (
 `id` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `campaign_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,
 `question_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,
 `answer` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `msisdn` int unsigned NOT NULL,
 `campaign_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 KEY `campaign_id` (`campaign_id`),
 KEY `question_id` (`question_id`)

添加了表结构,基本上系统生成的调用,根据用户输入,它得到像 1,2,3 等的响应被添加到上面的表中。例如,它是一种多层次调查。有一个父题,有3个选项,如果用户选择选项2,系统将播放与选项2相关的问题。在该问题之后,如果用户选择任何选项,将有10个针对选项2的问题。

选项 1 和 3 类似。

Parent Question ( it has 3 sub questions )
Each 3 of subquestions has 10 questions each.


标签: mysqlquery-optimization



INDEX(campaign_id, question_id,  msisdn, answer)
INDEX(campaign_id, msisdn, question_id,  answer)

