首页 > 解决方案 > How do I use conditions in a read -r command bash-script?


I need to write a script with a conditional statement at the beginning, to decide what statements user who executes this script will read. This is depending on their "preferred ice-cream flavor" in this case below.

The code I am showing doesn't work, but I believe it give the general idea of how to do this. If you do know how to get a script like this working, tell me in the comments!


echo -n "What ice cream do you like, vanilla or chocolate: "
read -r icecreamflavor

if $icecreamflavor == vanilla; then gsed -i "7 i/# "
if $icecreamflavor == chocolate; then gsed -i "6 i/# " 
echo "I also like vanilla"
echo "I like vanilla more than chocolate"

标签: bash



echo -n "What ice cream do you like, vanilla or chocolate: "
read -r icecreamflavor

if [ "$icecreamflavor" = "vanilla" ]; then
  gsed -i "7 i/# "
  echo "I also like vanilla"
elif [ "$icecreamflavor" = "chocolate" ]; then 
  gsed -i "6 i/# " 
  echo "I like vanilla more than chocolate"
