首页 > 解决方案 > 在 JavaScript 中为字符串中所有出现的单词添加前缀和后缀





你好 FooThisBar 是一个测试字符串 FoothisBar 是一个测试 FooTHISBar 只是一个测试好吗?我们能解决 FooThisBar 吗?Idk,也许是FoothiSBar,是不可能的。

标签: javascript





const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible.";

const result = str.replace(/(this)/gi, "Foo$1Bar")


To avoid matching "this" inside a word (e.g, "abcthisdef"), you can use a negative lookahead and negative lookbehind:

const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible.";

const result = str.replace(/(?<!\w)(this)(?!\w)/gi, "Foo$1Bar")


You can split the string by a space, map through the resulting array and return the modified string only when the item (when converted to lowercase) is equal to "this":

const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible.";

const result = str.split(" ").map(e => e.toLowerCase() == "this" ? `Foo${e}Bar` : e).join(' ')

The caveat with the above solution is that it will not match "this" when it is beside punctuation. E.g, it will not match "this.".

To also replace words with trailing punctuation, you can first split the string with a regex that matches non-alphanumeric words, check whether the first item is "this", then concatenate the second item after (after first joining, since the second item in the destructure assignment is an array of trailing punctuation characters):

const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible. this??? this!";

const result = str.split(" ").map(e => {
  let [word, ...punctuation] = e.split(/(?!\w)/g)
  return word.toLowerCase() == "this" ? `Foo${word}Bar${punctuation.join('')}` : e
}).join(' ')

Note that this solution will not work if there is punctuation before the occurence. For example, it will convert "this" to this". To avoid this, use the recommended regex solution above.
