首页 > 解决方案 > 将 CSV 文件拆分为两个文件,在两个文件中保留标题


我正在尝试将一个大型 CSV 文件拆分为两个文件。我正在使用下面的代码

import pandas as pd

#csv file name to be read in
in_csv = 'Master_file.csv'

#get the number of lines of the csv file to be read
number_lines = sum(1 for row in (open(in_csv)))

#size of rows of data to write to the csv,

#you can change the row size according to your need
rowsize = 600000

#start looping through data writing it to a new file for each set
for i in range(0,number_lines,rowsize):

    df = pd.read_csv(in_csv,
          nrows = rowsize,#number of rows to read at each loop
          skiprows = i)#skip rows that have been read

    #csv to write data to a new file with indexed name. input_1.csv etc.
    out_csv = 'File_Number' + str(i) + '.csv'

          mode='a',#append data to csv file
          chunksize=rowsize)#size of data to append for each loop


标签: python-3.xcsv



import pandas as pd

with pd.read_csv('Master_file.csv', chunksize=60000) as reader:
    for i,chunk in enumerate(reader):
        chunk.to_csv(f'File_Number{i}.csv', index=False, header=True)
