首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Powershell 中从字符串中提取字符串


我有一个字符串long string: its a teamcity buildLog 这是来自 teamcity 的 buildLog。

[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:30 INFO: Average times: total 0.455, latency 0.455, connect 0.004
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:30 INFO: Percentiles:
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +---------------+---------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Percentile, % | Resp. Time, s |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +---------------+---------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |           0.0 |         0.021 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          50.0 |         0.103 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          90.0 |         1.166 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          95.0 |          2.27 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          99.0 |          2.77 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          99.9 |         6.996 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |         100.0 |        10.312 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +---------------+---------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:30 INFO: Request label stats:
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +------------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------+-------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | label                                    | status |    succ | avg_rt | error       |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +------------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------+-------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Activity History                         |   OK   | 100.00% |  1.608 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Asset Allocation                         |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.100 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Dashboard Cards and Employee Information |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.255 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Fund Details                             |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.825 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Investments                              |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.132 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Minimum Version                          |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.032 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Rate of Return                           |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.047 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Retirement Outlook Card                  |   OK   | 100.00% |  1.166 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Retirement Outlook Full                  |   OK   | 100.00% |  1.160 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Savings Rate                             |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.112 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Secure Auth Login                        |  FAIL  |  98.58% |  0.207 | Bad Request |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Validate Savings Rate Change             |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.127 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Vested Balance                           |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.157 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +------------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------+-------------+
[11:27:35] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:35 INFO: Ending data feeding...
[11:27:36] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:36 INFO: Online report link: https://a.blazemeter.com/app/#/masters/36669958

从上面的构建日志中,我必须获取Percentiles TableRequest Label Stats表和Online Report Link


$firststring = "Percentiles:"
$secondstring = "Request label stats:"
$pattern =  "$firststring(.*?)$secondstring"
$result = [regex]::Match($file,$pattern).Groups[1].Value
$result >> returns none


$Regex = [Regex]::new("(?<=Percentiles:)(.*)(?=Request label stats:)")
$Match = $Regex.Match($status)


标签: stringpowershellteamcity



$log = @'
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:30 INFO: Average times: total 0.455, latency 0.455, connect 0.004
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:30 INFO: Percentiles:
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +---------------+---------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Percentile, % | Resp. Time, s |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +---------------+---------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |           0.0 |         0.021 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          50.0 |         0.103 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          90.0 |         1.166 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          95.0 |          2.27 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          99.0 |          2.77 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |          99.9 |         6.996 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] |         100.0 |        10.312 |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +---------------+---------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:30 INFO: Request label stats:
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +------------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------+-------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | label                                    | status |    succ | avg_rt | error       |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +------------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------+-------------+
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Activity History                         |   OK   | 100.00% |  1.608 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Asset Allocation                         |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.100 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Dashboard Cards and Employee Information |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.255 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Fund Details                             |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.825 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Investments                              |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.132 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Minimum Version                          |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.032 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Rate of Return                           |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.047 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Retirement Outlook Card                  |   OK   | 100.00% |  1.166 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Retirement Outlook Full                  |   OK   | 100.00% |  1.160 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Savings Rate                             |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.112 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Secure Auth Login                        |  FAIL  |  98.58% |  0.207 | Bad Request |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Validate Savings Rate Change             |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.127 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] | Vested Balance                           |   OK   | 100.00% |  0.157 |             |
[11:27:30] :     [Step 5/5] +------------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------+-------------+
[11:27:35] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:35 INFO: Ending data feeding...
[11:27:36] :     [Step 5/5] 15:27:36 INFO: Online report link: https://a.blazemeter.com/app/#/masters/36669958
'@ -split '\r?\n'

function get-percentiles {
    $headerPattern = '\| Percentile'
    $endPattern = '^[^|+]*$'
    $inTable = $false
    switch -regex ($log) {
        $headerPattern {
            $inTable = $true
        $endPattern {
            if ($inTable) { break } else { continue }
        '\|([^|]+)\|([^|]+).*$' {
            if ($inTable) {
                    Percentile = $Matches[1].Trim()
                    Time       = $Matches[2].Trim()

function get-labeltable {
    $headerPattern = '\| label'
    $endPattern = '^[^|+]*$'
    $inTable = $false
    switch -regex ($log) {
        $headerPattern {
            $inTable = $true
        $endPattern {
            if ($inTable) { break } else { continue }
        '\|([^|]+)\|([^|]+)\|([^|]+)\|([^|]+)\|([^|]+).*$' {
            if ($inTable) {
                    Label  = $Matches[1].Trim()
                    Status = $Matches[2].Trim()
                    Succ   = $Matches[3].Trim()
                    AvgRT  = $Matches[4].Trim()
                    Error  = $Matches[5].Trim()

get-percentiles | Format-Table
get-labeltable | Format-Table


Percentile Time
---------- ----
0.0        0.021
50.0       0.103
90.0       1.166
95.0       2.27
99.0       2.77
99.9       6.996
100.0      10.312

Label                                    Status Succ    AvgRT Error
-----                                    ------ ----    ----- -----
Activity History                         OK     100.00% 1.608
Asset Allocation                         OK     100.00% 0.100
Dashboard Cards and Employee Information OK     100.00% 0.255
Fund Details                             OK     100.00% 0.825
Investments                              OK     100.00% 0.132
Minimum Version                          OK     100.00% 0.032
Rate of Return                           OK     100.00% 0.047
Retirement Outlook Card                  OK     100.00% 1.166
Retirement Outlook Full                  OK     100.00% 1.160
Savings Rate                             OK     100.00% 0.112 
Secure Auth Login                        FAIL   98.58%  0.207 Bad Request
Validate Savings Rate Change             OK     100.00% 0.127
Vested Balance                           OK     100.00% 0.157
