首页 > 解决方案 > 以随机顺序渲染数组 React Js


我是 React Js 初学者。我正在创建一个 MCQ 门户并希望以随机顺序显示 mcqs 选项。

  1. 现在我正在使用.js文件来存储数据,但后来计划转移到 MongoDB。
  2. 我正在使用 URL 参数来检索特定的 MCQ。有没有办法洗牌?


import React from 'react';
import mcqContent from './mcq-content';
const MCQPage = ({match}) =>{
    const reqUrl = match.params.name;
    const mcqData = mcqContent.find(mcqData => mcqData.m_slug === reqUrl);
    const correctMcq = mcqData.m_alternatives[0];
    function shuffle(array) {
        let currentIndex = array.length,  randomIndex;
        // While there remain elements to shuffle...
        while (currentIndex !== 0) {
          // Pick a remaining element...
          randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
          // And swap it with the current element.
          [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [
            array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex]];
        return array;
    const optionsArray = mcqData.m_alternatives
    const shuffledArray = shuffle(optionsArray)
    return (
        {shuffledArray.map((paragraph, key) => (
            <p key={key}>{paragraph}</p>
        <h4>Answer: {correctMcq}</h4>
export default MCQPage; 

这是 MCQ 内容文件

const mcqs = [
        "m_title":"Which company is the most valueable in the world?",
        "m_question":"Which company is the most valueable in the world?",
        "m_subject":"General Knowledge",

export default mcqs;

标签: javascriptreactjs

