首页 > 解决方案 > 在滚动一定数量的像素后使用 JavaScript 做某事不起作用



    <script lang="text/javascript">
        // When the user scrolls down 50px from the top of the document, resize the header's font size
        window.onscroll = function () {

        function scrollFunction() {
            if (document.body.scrollTop > 50 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 50) {
                document.getElementById("header").style.display = "block";
            } else {
                document.getElementById("header").style.display = "none";

标题 HTML 为:

<div style="display: none;" id="header">Header</div>

当我在我的 .html 文件中尝试此操作时,它将无法正常工作,如果我要求,它甚至不会在控制台中显示日志。我创建了一个没有引用我的 CSS 文件的新 HTML 文件,并且它有效,所以我认为这与此有关,但我不知道是什么。这是我的CSS:

* {
    box-sizing: border-box;

body {
    /*Want to change background image?*/
    /*Upload a new one to the img folder.*/
    /*Make sure you name it 'minecraft.jpg'*/
    background: linear-gradient(rgba(20, 26, 35, 0.55), rgba(20, 26, 35, 0.55)),
        url("../img/background.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed;
    background-size: cover;
    font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica;
    margin: 0;
    position: relative;

#header {
    background-color: #f1f1f1; /* Grey background */
    padding: 50px 10px; /* Some padding */
    color: black;
    text-align: center; /* Centered text */
    font-size: 90px; /* Big font size */
    font-weight: bold;
    position: fixed; /* Fixed position - sit on top of the page */
    top: 0;
    width: 100%; /* Full width */
    transition: 0.2s; /* Add a transition effect (when scrolling - and font size is decreased) */

body {
    width: 100vw;
    height: 100vh;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: flex;
    -webkit-box-pack: center;
    -ms-flex-pack: center;
    justify-content: center;
    -webkit-box-align: center;
    -ms-flex-align: center;
    align-items: center;
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

a {
    text-decoration: none;
    /* color: rgb(0, 0, 0); */

.a-contact {
    text-decoration: underline !important;
    color: black;

.a-contact:hover {
    color: rgb(236, 149, 35);
    transition: all 0.3s ease-in;

p {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 3px;

.container {
    text-align: center;

.logo img {
    width: 225px;
    /* Change image size for mobile */
    -webkit-animation-name: logo;
    animation-name: logo;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
    animation-duration: 5s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;

@-webkit-keyframes logo {
    0% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

    50% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1.07);
        transform: scale(1.07);

    100% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

@keyframes logo {
    0% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

    50% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1.07);
        transform: scale(1.07);

    100% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

.playercount {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 20px 15px 0 15px;
    padding: 2px 0;
    background-color: rgba(15, 199, 209, 0.75);
    font-size: 1em;
    color: white;
    text-align: center;
    border-radius: 5px 0 5px 0;
    line-height: 27px;

.playercount>p>span {
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 1px 4px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    background: rgba(9, 150, 158, 0.7);
    margin: 0 2px;

.extrapad {
    padding: 0;

.ip {
    cursor: pointer;

.items {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: flex;
    -ms-flex-pack: distribute;
    justify-content: space-around;
    -ms-flex-preferred-size: 100px;
    flex-basis: 100px;
    padding: 18px 0 10px 0;


.item img {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.2s ease;
    transition: all 0.2s ease;
    margin-bottom: 7px;

.item img:hover {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
    -ms-transform: scale(1.1);
    transform: scale(1.1);

.img {
    width: 80%;

.title {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 17px;
    color: white;

.subtitle {
    color: #cfcfcf;
    font-size: 12px;

.subtitle {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

@media(min-width: 400px) {
    .logo img {
        width: 280px;
        /* Change image size for mid sized devices */

    .playercount {
        margin-top: 30px;
        padding: 5px;

    .playercount>p>span {
        padding: 2px 7px;

@media(min-width: 1250px) {
    .title {
        font-size: 24px;

    .subtitle {
        font-size: 15px;

    .logo img {
        width: 470px;
        /* Change image size for desktop */

    .logo {
        margin-bottom: 28px;

    .img {
        width: 100%;

    .items {
        padding: 30px 0 20px 0;

    .playercount {
        font-size: 1.22em;
        padding: 10px;

    .extrapad {
        padding: 0 42.5px;

    .playercount>p>span {
        padding: 4px 7px;

@media(min-width: 1000px) {
    .items {
        -webkit-box-pack: center;
        -ms-flex-pack: center;
        justify-content: center;

    .item:not(:first-child) {
        margin-left: 90px;

.footer {
    position: absolute;
    color: white;
    margin-left: 5px;
    top: 98%;
    left: 0;
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 1;

.background {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(255, 136, 0, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 110%;
    height: 50%;

.background-white {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 220%;
    height: 50%;

.background-opposite {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(rgb(255, 136, 0, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 200%;
    height: 50%;
.background-white-opposite {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 310%;
    height: 50%;

.inner {
    background-color: rgba(255, 136, 0, 0.781);
    height: 40%;
    top: 160%;
    width: 100%;

    position: absolute;

.inner-white {
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.781);
    height: 40%;
    top: 270%;
    width: 100%;

    position: absolute;

/* .inner-text {
    text-align: center;
} */

.inner-text-head {
    padding-top: 20px;
    font-size: 55px;
    text-align: center;

.inner-text-white-head {
    padding-top: 20px;
    font-size: 55px;
    text-align: center;

.inner-text-white-h2 {
    font-size: 35px;
    text-align: center;

.contact-area {
    padding: 20px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border-color: black;
    border-style: dashed;
    border-width: 5px;
    width: 50% !important;
    left: 25% !important;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 2;

.inner-text-p {
    width: 75%;
    left: 13%;
    text-align: center;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 20px;
    color: black;

.inner-white-text-p {
    width: 75%;
    left: 13%;
    text-align: center;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 20px;
    color: black;

.solved {
    color: orange !important;
    font-weight: bold;

.italic {
    font-style: italic;

/* Scroll Down */
#s-scroll {
    position: relative;
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;

.chevroncontainer {
    position: absolute;
    /* margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto; */
    top: 30%;
    /* right: 50%; */
    /* left: 50%; */
    /* top: 30%;
    left: -30%; */

.chevron {
    position: absolute;
    width: 38px;
    height: 30px;
    /* width: 56px;
      height: 36px; */
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    animation: move 0.2s ease-out infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
    animation-delay: calc(var(--scroll) * -1s);
    margin-left: -18px;

/* .chevroncontainer {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 100px !important;
  } */

.chevron:first-child {
    animation: move 0.2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
    animation-delay: calc(var(--scroll) * -1s);

.chevron:nth-child(2) {
    animation: move 0.2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
    animation-delay: calc(var(--scroll) * -1s);

.changedchevron {
    position: absolute;
    width: 38px;
    height: 30px;
    /* width: 56px;
      height: 36px; */
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    animation: move 2s ease-out infinite;
    /* margin-left: -538px; */
    margin-left: -678px;

.changedchevronNO {
    position: absolute;
    width: 38px;
    height: 30px;
    /* width: 56px;
      height: 36px; */
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    animation: move 2s ease-out 1;
    margin-left: -18px;

/* .changedchevron:first-child {
      animation: move 2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    .changedchevron:nth-child(2) {
      animation: move 2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    } */

.changedchevron:after {
    content: ' ';
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    height: 40%;
    height: 40%;
    width: 51%;
    background: #fff;

.changedchevron:before {
    left: 0;
    transform: skew(0deg, 30deg);

.changedchevron:after {
    right: 0;
    width: 50%;
    transform: skew(0deg, -30deg);


.chevron:after {
    content: ' ';
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    height: 100%;
    height: 40%;
    width: 51%;
    background: #fff;

.chevron:before {
    left: 0;
    transform: skew(0deg, 30deg);

.chevron:after {
    right: 0;
    width: 50%;
    transform: skew(0deg, -30deg);

@keyframes move {
    25% {
        opacity: 1;


    33% {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: translateY(30px);

    67% {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: translateY(40px);

    100% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: translateY(55px) scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

.text {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 75px;
    margin-left: -30px;
    font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 17px;
    color: #fff !important;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    white-space: nowrap;
    opacity: .25;
    animation: pulse 2s linear alternate infinite;
    /* margin-left: -60px !important; */

    cursor: pointer !important;
    /* margin-left: -1058px; */
    margin-left: -1338px;

@keyframes pulse {
    to {
        opacity: 1;



标签: javascripthtmljquerycss



  1. 而不是 window 你可能想要 document.body - 我敢肯定你宁愿滚动 body 而不是整个窗口
  2. 而不是 .onscroll 你可能想要 .addEventListener -将 JavaScript 处理程序附加到滚动事件 - 一个方法 - 不 -

查看我进行这些更改的这个片段。我还确保在 div 内滚动不会影响 document.body 上的滚动

document.body.addEventListener('scroll', function() {

// When the user scrolls down 50px from the top of the document, resize the header's font size
        function scrollFunction() {
            if (document.body.scrollTop > 50 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 50) {
                document.getElementById("header").style.display = "block";
            } else {
                document.getElementById("header").style.display = "none";
* {
    box-sizing: border-box;

body {
    /*Want to change background image?*/
    /*Upload a new one to the img folder.*/
    /*Make sure you name it 'minecraft.jpg'*/
    background: linear-gradient(rgba(20, 26, 35, 0.55), rgba(20, 26, 35, 0.55)),
        url("../img/background.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed;
    background-size: cover;
    font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica;
    margin: 0;
    position: relative;

#header {
    background-color: #f1f1f1; /* Grey background */
    padding: 50px 10px; /* Some padding */
    color: black;
    text-align: center; /* Centered text */
    font-size: 90px; /* Big font size */
    font-weight: bold;
    position: fixed; /* Fixed position - sit on top of the page */
    top: 0;
    width: 100%; /* Full width */
    transition: 0.2s; /* Add a transition effect (when scrolling - and font size is decreased) */

body {
    width: 100vw;
    height: 100vh;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: flex;
    -webkit-box-pack: center;
    -ms-flex-pack: center;
    justify-content: center;
    -webkit-box-align: center;
    -ms-flex-align: center;
    align-items: center;
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

a {
    text-decoration: none;
    /* color: rgb(0, 0, 0); */

.a-contact {
    text-decoration: underline !important;
    color: black;

.a-contact:hover {
    color: rgb(236, 149, 35);
    transition: all 0.3s ease-in;

p {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 3px;

.container {
    text-align: center;

.logo img {
    width: 225px;
    /* Change image size for mobile */
    -webkit-animation-name: logo;
    animation-name: logo;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
    animation-duration: 5s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;

@-webkit-keyframes logo {
    0% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

    50% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1.07);
        transform: scale(1.07);

    100% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

@keyframes logo {
    0% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

    50% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1.07);
        transform: scale(1.07);

    100% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);

.playercount {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 20px 15px 0 15px;
    padding: 2px 0;
    background-color: rgba(15, 199, 209, 0.75);
    font-size: 1em;
    color: white;
    text-align: center;
    border-radius: 5px 0 5px 0;
    line-height: 27px;

.playercount>p>span {
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 1px 4px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    background: rgba(9, 150, 158, 0.7);
    margin: 0 2px;

.extrapad {
    padding: 0;

.ip {
    cursor: pointer;

.items {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: flex;
    -ms-flex-pack: distribute;
    justify-content: space-around;
    -ms-flex-preferred-size: 100px;
    flex-basis: 100px;
    padding: 18px 0 10px 0;


.item img {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.2s ease;
    transition: all 0.2s ease;
    margin-bottom: 7px;

.item img:hover {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
    -ms-transform: scale(1.1);
    transform: scale(1.1);

.img {
    width: 80%;

.title {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 17px;
    color: white;

.subtitle {
    color: #cfcfcf;
    font-size: 12px;

.subtitle {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

@media(min-width: 400px) {
    .logo img {
        width: 280px;
        /* Change image size for mid sized devices */

    .playercount {
        margin-top: 30px;
        padding: 5px;

    .playercount>p>span {
        padding: 2px 7px;

@media(min-width: 1250px) {
    .title {
        font-size: 24px;

    .subtitle {
        font-size: 15px;

    .logo img {
        width: 470px;
        /* Change image size for desktop */

    .logo {
        margin-bottom: 28px;

    .img {
        width: 100%;

    .items {
        padding: 30px 0 20px 0;

    .playercount {
        font-size: 1.22em;
        padding: 10px;

    .extrapad {
        padding: 0 42.5px;

    .playercount>p>span {
        padding: 4px 7px;

@media(min-width: 1000px) {
    .items {
        -webkit-box-pack: center;
        -ms-flex-pack: center;
        justify-content: center;

    .item:not(:first-child) {
        margin-left: 90px;

.footer {
    position: absolute;
    color: white;
    margin-left: 5px;
    top: 98%;
    left: 0;
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 1;

.background {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(255, 136, 0, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 110%;
    height: 50%;

.background-white {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 220%;
    height: 50%;

.background-opposite {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(rgb(255, 136, 0, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 200%;
    height: 50%;
.background-white-opposite {
    /* background-color: rgb(187, 156, 53); */
    background: linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.781), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 310%;
    height: 50%;

.inner {
    background-color: rgba(255, 136, 0, 0.781);
    height: 40%;
    top: 160%;
    width: 100%;

    position: absolute;

.inner-white {
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.781);
    height: 40%;
    top: 270%;
    width: 100%;

    position: absolute;

/* .inner-text {
    text-align: center;
} */

.inner-text-head {
    padding-top: 20px;
    font-size: 55px;
    text-align: center;

.inner-text-white-head {
    padding-top: 20px;
    font-size: 55px;
    text-align: center;

.inner-text-white-h2 {
    font-size: 35px;
    text-align: center;

.contact-area {
    padding: 20px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border-color: black;
    border-style: dashed;
    border-width: 5px;
    width: 50% !important;
    left: 25% !important;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 2;

.inner-text-p {
    width: 75%;
    left: 13%;
    text-align: center;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 20px;
    color: black;

.inner-white-text-p {
    width: 75%;
    left: 13%;
    text-align: center;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 20px;
    color: black;

.solved {
    color: orange !important;
    font-weight: bold;

.italic {
    font-style: italic;

/* Scroll Down */
#s-scroll {
    position: relative;
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;

.chevroncontainer {
    position: absolute;
    /* margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto; */
    top: 30%;
    /* right: 50%; */
    /* left: 50%; */
    /* top: 30%;
    left: -30%; */

.chevron {
    position: absolute;
    width: 38px;
    height: 30px;
    /* width: 56px;
      height: 36px; */
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    animation: move 0.2s ease-out infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
    animation-delay: calc(var(--scroll) * -1s);
    margin-left: -18px;

/* .chevroncontainer {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 100px !important;
  } */

.chevron:first-child {
    animation: move 0.2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
    animation-delay: calc(var(--scroll) * -1s);

.chevron:nth-child(2) {
    animation: move 0.2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
    animation-delay: calc(var(--scroll) * -1s);

.changedchevron {
    position: absolute;
    width: 38px;
    height: 30px;
    /* width: 56px;
      height: 36px; */
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    animation: move 2s ease-out infinite;
    /* margin-left: -538px; */
    margin-left: -678px;

.changedchevronNO {
    position: absolute;
    width: 38px;
    height: 30px;
    /* width: 56px;
      height: 36px; */
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    animation: move 2s ease-out 1;
    margin-left: -18px;

/* .changedchevron:first-child {
      animation: move 2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    .changedchevron:nth-child(2) {
      animation: move 2s ease-out 0.2s infinite;
    } */

.changedchevron:after {
    content: ' ';
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    height: 40%;
    height: 40%;
    width: 51%;
    background: #fff;

.changedchevron:before {
    left: 0;
    transform: skew(0deg, 30deg);

.changedchevron:after {
    right: 0;
    width: 50%;
    transform: skew(0deg, -30deg);


.chevron:after {
    content: ' ';
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    height: 100%;
    height: 40%;
    width: 51%;
    background: #fff;

.chevron:before {
    left: 0;
    transform: skew(0deg, 30deg);

.chevron:after {
    right: 0;
    width: 50%;
    transform: skew(0deg, -30deg);

@keyframes move {
    25% {
        opacity: 1;


    33% {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: translateY(30px);

    67% {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: translateY(40px);

    100% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: translateY(55px) scale3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

.text {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 75px;
    margin-left: -30px;
    font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 17px;
    color: #fff !important;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    white-space: nowrap;
    opacity: .25;
    animation: pulse 2s linear alternate infinite;
    /* margin-left: -60px !important; */

    cursor: pointer !important;
    /* margin-left: -1058px; */
    margin-left: -1338px;

@keyframes pulse {
    to {
        opacity: 1;
<div style="display: none;" id="header">Header</div>

<div style="width: 100px; height: 500px; overflow: scroll">
