首页 > 解决方案 > Haskell:在没有 Data.List 包的情况下替换字符串中的子字符串


我是 Haskell 的新手,我想知道如何用另一个词替换字符串中的预定词。到目前为止,这是我的代码,我知道我现在不能这样做:

treat :: String -> String
treat text = text

main = do argv <- getArgs
          texte <- readFile "intputText"
          print (separation text)
          print ( treat text )

separation :: String -> [String]
separation [] = [""]
separation (c:cs) | c == "\Graph"  = "Graphic : " : rest
                  | c == '}'  = "" : rest
                  | c == '{'  = "" : rest
                  | otherwise = (c : head rest) : tail rest
    where rest = separation cs

所以基本上我知道我不能在第一个 c == "\Graph" 中放置一个字符串,所以我想知道如何将字符串文本中的每个单词 "\Graph" 基本上替换为 "Graphic"。




标签: stringlisthaskelltexthaskell-stack


replace :: String -> String -> String-> String
replace [] token repl = []
replace str@(s:ss) token@(t:tx) repl

        -- check if first char of string equal to first char of token
        | s == t = case validateToken token str of
                Just list -> repl ++ replace list token repl
                Nothing -> s : replace ss token repl

        -- if not equal then continue recursion step
        | otherwise = s: replace ss token repl
                        -- validate if token matches the following chars of the string
                        -- returns Nothing if token is not matched
                        -- returns the remaining string after the token if token is matched
                        validateToken:: String -> String -> Maybe String
                        validateToken (a:as) [] = Nothing
                        validateToken [] list = Just list
                        validateToken (a:as) (x:xs) 
                                | a == x = validateToken as xs 
                                | otherwise = Nothing

example = replace "yourString" "token" "new"
