首页 > 解决方案 > DDD 中的显式状态建模


我一直在寻找管理 Root Aggregate 状态/生命周期,并发现了一些关于 usingExplicit State ModelingExplicit Modelingover的好处的内容State Pattern,它更简洁,我喜欢如何让我的域的明确概念处理它们自己的行为。

我读到的其中一篇文章是受“领域驱动设计的模式、原则和实践 - Scott Millett 和 Nick Tune”一书第 16 章的影响(这里是完整示例的代码示例)。

问题是这个想法描述得非常简单,没有太多内容,当我开始实施它时出现了,考虑到我是 DDD 的新手,概念开始重叠,这里有一些我想问的问题我希望 DDD 中更有经验的工程师会有所帮助,或者至少有人比我更好地解释了文本。

  1. 按照文章的示例,我将如何检索所有门(打开和关闭)的列表,这个结果集将映射到什么域实体?
  2. 如果所有显式状态模型都是实体/聚合,那么根聚合是什么?
  3. Root Aggregate 和那些显式建模的实体之间没有引用是否正常?
  4. 如果聚合根(比方说通用门实体)返回显式状态实体,存储库如何在不暴露实体或聚合状态的情况下保存它?
  5. 还是所有这些显式实体都是它们自己聚合的根?


一个 git 存储库或一个示例项目解决了其他具有显式建模的 DDD 组件将如何真正有用(我检查了一百万个存储库,但 90% 没有运气)。

注意:我没有使用 CQRS


interface ClosableDoor 
    public function close(); 
// Explicit State. (third attempt) 
class CloseDoorService() 
    // inject dependencies
    public function execute($doorId) 
        $door = $this->doorRepository->findClosableOfId($doorId);
        if (!$door) { 
            throw new ClosableDoorNotFound(); 
        $door = $door->close(); 


// these entities collectively replace the OnlineTakeawayOrder entity (that used the state pattern)
public class InKitchenOnlineTakeawayOrder
 public InKitchenOnlineTakeawayOrder(Guid id, Address address)
 this.Id = id;
 this.Address = address;
 public Guid Id { get; private set; }
 public Address Address { get; private set; }
 // only contains methods it actually implements
 // returns new state so that clients have to be aware of it
 public InOvenOnlineTakeawayOrder Cook()
 return new InOvenOnlineTakeawayOrder(this.Id, this.Address);
public class InOvenOnlineTakeawayOrder
 public InOvenOnlineTakeawayOrder(Guid id, Address address)
 this.Id = id;
 this.Address = address;
 public Guid Id { get; private set; }
 public Address Address { get; private set; }
 public CookedOnlineTakeawayOrder TakeOutOfOven()
 return new CookedOnlineTakeawayOrder(this.Id, this.Address);

标签: domain-driven-designaggregateroot


注意:我没有使用 CQRS




// 用于一般查询

class Door
    public Guid Id { get; private set; }
    public State State { get; private set; }

    // other props that user may want included in query but are not
    // relevant to opening or closing a door
    public Color Color { get; private set; }
    public Dimensions Dimensions { get; private set; }
    public List<Fixing> Fixings { get; private set; }

class DoorRepository
    List<Door> GetDoors()
        return _context.Doors;

// 用于开门用例

class ClosedDoor
    public Guid Id { get; private set; }
    public State State { get; private set; }

    public void Open()
        State = State.Open;

class ClosedDoorRepository
    List<ClosedDoor> GetClosedDoors()
        return _context.ClosedDoors.Where(d => d.State == State.Closed);

// 用于关门用例

class OpenDoor
    public Guid Id { get; private set; }
    public State State { get; private set; }

    public void Close()
        State = State.Closed;

class OpenDoorRepository
    List<OpenDoor> GetOpenDoors()
        return _context.OpenDoors.Where(d => d.State == State.Open);
