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我是一个初学者,我试图使用命令“vagrant up”来设置一个虚拟机,但我一直得到这个:

Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:

The plugins failed to initialize correctly. This may be due to manual
modifications made within the Vagrant home directory. Vagrant can
attempt to automatically correct this issue by running:

  vagrant plugin repair

If Vagrant was recently updated, this error may be due to incompatible
versions of dependencies. To fix this problem please remove and re-install
all plugins. Vagrant can attempt to do this automatically by running:

  vagrant plugin expunge --reinstall

Or you may want to try updating the installed plugins to their latest

  vagrant plugin update

Error message given during initialization: incompatible character encodings: CP850 and Windows-1252

这太令人沮丧了,我试图找到解决方案几个小时,尝试使用vagrant plugin repair, vagrant plugin expunge --reinstall, vagrant plugin update, 重新安装 Vagrant 几次......有人可以在这里帮助我吗?

标签: vagrantvirtual-machine


Vagrant 未能在很早的阶段初始化

通常是由您的系统问题引起的,而不是由 vagrant 引起的。

您的最终错误消息是: Error message given during initialization: incompatible character encodings: CP850 and Windows-1252


给出的解决方案是:在键入chcp 1252之前在命令行上键入vagrant up.

我可以通过搜索找到这个答案CP850 vs Windows-1252 vagrant

