首页 > 解决方案 > PHPUnit 中的部分模拟现在 setMethods( 已弃用


我正在尝试使用 PHP Unit 实现类的部分模拟,其中仅当显式设置存根行为时,存根方法才会被存根,如果没有保留类方法的原始行为;

我知道使用 setMethods( 允许我像在 => 中那样做

 * at this point, if I stub the class like this, only the constructor is called 
 * and all of the stubbed class methods will return null if I don't set them later in my test ...
// $stubbed = $this->getMockBuilder(Stubbed::class)->getMock();
 *  but... there is a way to keep the original methods
 *  to be able to stub them only in an explicit manner;
 *  the problem is, setMethods( seems to be deprecated
$stubbed = $this->getMockBuilder(Stubbed::class)->setMethods(["doSomethingToBeStubbed"])->getMock();
// ... creating some stubbed methods


标签: unit-testingphpunit

