首页 > 解决方案 > 将代码从 long 转换为 BitSet - 它运行但不能正确解决


我正在尝试将以下代码转换为使用BitSet而不是long用于超过 64 个单元的板:

import java.util.*;
public class Solver {
    // list of seen boards - this is used to prevent rechecking of paths
    private static final HashSet<Long> seenBoards = new HashSet<Long>();
    // list of solution boards in ascending order - filled in once the solution is found
    private static final ArrayList<Long> solution = new ArrayList<Long>();
    // -------
    // goal board (one marble in center)
    private static final long GOAL_BOARD = 16777216L;
    // initial board (one marble free in center)
    private static final long INITIAL_BOARD = 124141717933596L;
    // board that contains a ball in every available slot, i.e. GOAL_BOARD | INITIAL_BOARD
    private static final long VALID_BOARD_CELLS = 124141734710812L;
    // holds all 76 moves that are possible
    // the inner array is structures as following:
    // - first entry holds the peg that is added by the move
    // - second entry holds the two pegs that are removed by the move
    // - third entry holds all three involved pegs
    private static final long[][] moves = new long[76][];
    // -------
    // print the board
    private static void printBoard(long board) {
        // loop over all cells (the board is 7 x 7)
        for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++) {
            boolean validCell = ((1L << i) & VALID_BOARD_CELLS) != 0L;
            System.out.print(validCell ? (((1L << i) & board) != 0L ? "X " : "O ") : "  ");
            if (i % 7 == 6) System.out.println();
    // create the two possible moves for the three added pegs
    // (this function assumes that the pegs are in one continuous line)
    private static void createMoves(int bit1, int bit2, int bit3, ArrayList<long[]> moves) {
        moves.add(new long[]{(1L << bit1), (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3),
                (1L << bit1) | (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3)});
        moves.add(new long[]{(1L << bit3), (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit1),
                (1L << bit1) | (1L << bit2) | (1L << bit3)});
    // do the calculation recursively by starting from
    // the "GOAL_BOARD" and doing moves in reverse
    private static boolean search(long board) {
        // for all possible moves
        for (long[] move : moves) {
            // check if the move is valid
            // Note: we place "two ball" check first since it is more
            // likely to fail. This saves about 20% in run time (!)
            if ((move[1] & board) == 0L && (move[0] & board) != 0L) {
                // calculate the board after this move was applied
                long newBoard = board ^ move[2];
                // only continue processing if we have not seen this board before
                if (!seenBoards.contains(newBoard)) {
                    // check if the initial board is reached
                    if (newBoard == INITIAL_BOARD || search(newBoard)) {
                        return true;
        return false;
    // the main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // to measure the overall runtime of the program
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // add starting board (as this board is not added by the recursive function)
        // generate all possible moves
        ArrayList<long[]> moves = new ArrayList<long[]>();
        // holds all starting positions in west-east direction
        int[] startsX = new int[] {2,9,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,37,44};
        for (int x : startsX) {
            createMoves(x, x + 1, x + 2, moves);
        // holds all starting positions in north-south direction
        int[] startsY = new int[] {2,3,4,9,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,25,30,31,32};
        for (int y : startsY) {
            createMoves(y, y + 7, y + 14, moves);
        // randomize the order of the moves (this highly influences the resulting runtime)
        // fill in the global moves variable that is used by the solver
        // start recursively search for the initial board from the goal (reverse direction!)
        // print required time
        System.out.println("Completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms.");
        // print the found solution
        for (long step : solution) {


import java.util.*;

public class BitSetEnglishPegSolitaire {
    // list of seen boards - this is used to prevent rechecking of paths
    private static final HashSet<BitSet> seenBoards = new HashSet<BitSet>();
    // list of solution boards in ascending order - filled in once the solution is found
    private static final ArrayList<BitSet> solution = new ArrayList<BitSet>();
    // -------
    //private static final long GOAL_BOARD = 16777216L;
    private static String GOAL_BOARD_STRING = "0000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000";
    private static BitSet GOAL_BOARD = bitsetFromString(GOAL_BOARD_STRING);
    //private static final long INITIAL_BOARD = 124141717933596L;
    private static String INITIAL_BOARD_STRING = "0011100001110011111111110111111111100111000011100";
    private static BitSet INITIAL_BOARD = bitsetFromString(INITIAL_BOARD_STRING);
    //private static final long VALID_BOARD_CELLS = 124141734710812L;
    private static String VALID_BOARD_CELLS_STRING = "0011100001110011111111111111111111100111000011100";
    private static BitSet VALID_BOARD_CELLS = bitsetFromString(VALID_BOARD_CELLS_STRING);
    // holds all 76 moves that are possible
    // the inner array is structures as following:
    // - first entry holds the peg that is added by the move
    // - second entry holds the two pegs that are removed by the move
    // - third entry holds all three involved pegs
    private static final BitSet[][] moves = new BitSet[76][];
    // -------
    // print the board
    private static void printBoard(BitSet board) {
        // loop over all cells (the board is 7 x 7)
        for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++) {
            boolean validCell = VALID_BOARD_CELLS.get(i);
            System.out.print(validCell ? (board.get(i) ? "X " : "O ") : "  ");
            if (i % 7 == 6) System.out.println();
    // create the two possible moves for the three added pegs
    // (this function assumes that the pegs are in one continuous line)
    private static BitSet bitset(int... bits) {
        BitSet result = new BitSet();
        for (int i : bits)
        return result;

    private static void createMoves(int bit1, int bit2, int bit3, ArrayList<BitSet[]> moves) {
        moves.add(new BitSet[] {bitset(bit1), bitset(bit2, bit3), bitset(bit1, bit2, bit3)});
        moves.add(new BitSet[] {bitset(bit3), bitset(bit2, bit1), bitset(bit1, bit2, bit3)});
    // do the calculation recursively by starting from
    // the "GOAL_BOARD" and doing moves in reverse
    private static boolean search(BitSet board) {
        // for all possible moves
        for (BitSet[] move : moves) {
            BitSet move0 = move[0];
            BitSet move1 = move[1];
            BitSet move2 = move[2];
            BitSet newBoard = board;
            // check if the move is valid
            // Note: we place "two ball" check first since it is more
            // likely to fail. This saves about 20% in run time (!)                     
            if (move1.isEmpty() && !move0.isEmpty()) {
                // calculate the board after this move was applied
                //BitSet newBoard = board ^ move[2];
                // only continue processing if we have not seen this board before
                if (!seenBoards.contains(newBoard)) {
                    // check if the initial board is reached
                    if (newBoard == INITIAL_BOARD || search(newBoard)) {
                        return true;
        return false;
    private static BitSet bitsetFromString(String binary) {
        BitSet bitset = new BitSet(binary.length());
        int len = binary.length();
        for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (binary.charAt(i) == '1') {
        return bitset;
    // the main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // to measure the overall runtime of the program
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // add starting board (as this board is not added by the recursive function)
        // generate all possible moves
        ArrayList<BitSet[]> moves = new ArrayList<BitSet[]>();
        // holds all starting positions in west-east direction
        int[] startsX = new int[] {2,9,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,37,44};
        for (int x : startsX) {
            createMoves(x, x + 1, x + 2, moves);
        // holds all starting positions in north-south direction
        int[] startsY = new int[] {2,3,4,9,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,25,30,31,32};
        for (int y : startsY) {
            createMoves(y, y + 7, y + 14, moves);
        // randomize the order of the moves (this highly influences the resulting runtime)
        // fill in the global moves variable that is used by the solver
        // start recursively search for the initial board from the goal (reverse direction!)
        // print required time
        System.out.println("Completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms.");
        // print the found solution
        for (BitSet step : solution) {

我认为我的问题在于search()方法(将按位逻辑转换为) ,BitSet以及我定义的方式GOAL_BOARD_STRING ,以及它们对应的 BitSetter 方法INITIAL_BOARD_STRING VALID_BOARD_CELLS_STRING bitsetFromString()


标签: java



让我们假设您的代码正在运行for (BitSet[] move : moves)so that的第一次迭代BitSet[] move = moves[0];


        BitSet move0 = move[0];

您实际上正在修改BitSetat moves[0][0],如果在递归调用期间boolean search(BitSet board) 您无法再访问原始文件moves[0][0]- 但moves[0][0]递归工作需要原始文件。


        if (!move1.intersects(board) && move0.intersects(board)) {


        BitSet newBoard = board;

不会创建的副本board- 它只是创建对所引用的 BitSet 的另一个引用board,因此该行


更改所BitSet引用的newBoard也是 BitSet 所引用的board进一步混淆数据。


        BitSet newBoard = (BitSet) board.clone();


                if (newBoard == INITIAL_BOARD || search(newBoard)) {

newBoard == INITIAL_BOARD比较对 BitSet 的引用newBoardINITIAL_BOARD但是因为作为不同的对象开始,所以这个条件永远不会成立。


                if (newBoard.equals(INITIAL_BOARD) || search(newBoard)) {
