首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么当我包含“参数”时默认构造函数会被调用两次?


我有点困惑。当我为默认构造函数baseClass(JACOB) 添加参数时,我的程序输出添加了两个对象:JACOB 和 ANONYMOUS。



#include <iostream>     //inclusion of support for doing input & output
#include <string>       //inclusion of support of the string class
#include <vector>       //inclusion of support of the vector class
#include <fstream>       //inclusion of support of file I/O
using namespace std;    //declare access to standard stuff like cin, cout

#include "baseClass.h" 
#include "childClassA.h" 
#include "childClassB.h" 

void test()

    //Observe the implicit calls to constructors of the base and the child classes
      baseClass jacob("JACOB"); // <-- Question about this one


int  main()
    return 0;


//  Base class implementation
#include "baseClass.h"

int baseClass::count = 0;

baseClass::baseClass(string name)
      baseName = name;
      cout  << endl
                  << baseName
                  << ", a new baseClass object is CONSTRUCTED."
                  << endl << "Now "
                  << count << " baseClass objects in total."
                  << endl << endl;

      cout  << endl
                  << baseName
                  << ", a baseClass object is DESTRUCTED."
                  << endl << "Now "
                  << count << " baseClass class objects in total."
                  << endl << endl;


void baseClass::output()
      cout << endl << "Hello! I am " << baseName << ", a baseClass object " << endl;


//  Base class declaration
#ifndef BASE_CLASS_H

#define BASE_CLASS_H

using namespace std;
#include <string>       //inclusion of support of the string class
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

class baseClass
{     public:
            baseClass(string name = "ANONYMOUS");

            virtual ~baseClass();   //What is the effect of virtual??
            //~baseClass();               //What happens if no virtual??

            virtual void output();  //What is the effect of virtual??
            //void output();        //What happens if no virtual??

            static int count;

            string baseName;

#endif // Matching the starting #ifndef BASE_CLASS_H


JACOB, a new baseClass object is CONSTRUCTED.
Now 1 baseClass objects in total.

ANONYMOUS, a new baseClass object is CONSTRUCTED.
Now 2 baseClass objects in total.

标签: c++inheritanceconstructordestructordefault-constructor

