首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 XML 设置序列化实现消息抑制系统



此外,设置应保存到 XML 文件中 - 包括消息抑制状态和默认选项。我目前的解决方案非常粗糙,我想知道是否有更好的方法。


Public Class Message
    Public Property title As String
    Public Property content As String
    Public Property buttons As Utilities.Enums.messageButtonTypes 'Ok/Cancel, Yes/No, etc.
    Public Property allowDoNotShowAgain As Boolean = False        'whether the message is dismissable
    Public Property doNotShowAgain As Boolean = False             'the actual dismiss state
    Public Property result As Boolean
    Public Property rememberedResult As Boolean                   'last user choice if the message is dismissed
End Class


Module Msg

    'This message is not dismissable
    Public connectionNotEstablished As New Message() With {
        .title = "Connection not established",
        .content = "Connection not established. Please check if the host application is running.",
        .buttons = Utilities.Enums.messageButtonTypes.Ok

    'This message is dismissable
    Public noResultsPlotsDefined As New Message() With {
        .title = "No plots defined",
        .content = "You have not defined any plots. Would you like to run the study anyway?",
        .buttons = Utilities.Enums.messageButtonTypes.YesNo,
        .allowDoNotShowAgain = True
    'Just a list to store references to all the messages for binding, looping, etc.
    Public allMessages As New List(Of Message) From {

    Public Function ShowMessage(message As Message) As Boolean
        If message.doNotShowAgain Then message.result = message.rememberedResult : Return message.rememberedResult 'If message is dismissed, return the last user choice

        Dim messageDialog As New MessageDialog(message.title, message.content, message.buttons, message.allowDoNotShowAgain, message.defaultButtonCustomCaption, message.cancelButtonCustomCaption)
        message.result = messageDialog.ShowDialog()
        message.doNotShowAgain = messageDialog.doNotShowAgain
        If message.doNotShowAgain Then message.rememberedResult = message.result
        Return message.result
    End Function
End Module



到目前为止,这很容易——在构建我的应用程序时使用起来非常方便。现在,我不确定的一点 - AppSettings 类。就像我说的,我需要存储每条消息的一些属性,以便我可以 WPF 绑定到设置窗口中的消息列表。现在,AppSettings 引用了 MSG 类消息列表:

Public Class AppSettings

    Public Property messages As List(Of Message) = Msg.allMessages 

    Public Sub SaveToDefaultPath()
    End Sub    

    Private Sub Save(ByVal filename As String)
        Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)
            Dim xmls As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(AppSettings))
            xmls.Serialize(sw, Me)
        End Using
    End Sub

    Private Function Read(ByVal filename As String) As AppSettings
        Using sw As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filename)
            Dim xmls As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(AppSettings))
            Return TryCast(xmls.Deserialize(sw), AppSettings)
        End Using
    End Function
End Class

在我的设置 WPF 窗口中,我可以绑定到该messages属性,并选择将其显示title为 TextBlock、doNotShowAgainCheckBox 和rememberedResultComboBox。我还没有做那一点,但我认为对于当前的应用程序架构应该非常简单。

问题是 XML 的序列化和反序列化(参见AppSettings类的最后两个函数)。由于此类存储对整个消息列表的引用,该列表不仅具有title,doNotShowAgainrememberedResult,而且还具有消息内容及其其他属性,这确实使 XML 文件变得混乱。

我不知道如何解决这个问题。也许,我可以只将每条消息的所需变量存储在 中AppSettings,但这需要某种双向转换器或其他东西。至此,我开始怀疑这是否真的是实现我所需要的正确方法。


编辑:在等待答案时,我已成功实现将消息解除状态保存到 XML - 不幸的是,它保存了整个message类数据,而不仅仅是title,doNotShowAgainrememberedResult. 为了完成这项工作,我只需要做一个小改动——inmessages中的属性AppSettings被声明为一个数组而不是一个列表,因此 XML 反序列化器不会将消息附加到该列表,而是将其替换为整个。

Public Class AppSettings
    Public Property Messages() As Message() = Msg.allMessages.ToArray()
End Class

因此,虽然这有效(将这些绑定messages到 WPF 窗口也有效),但 XML 文件中充斥着每条消息的不必要值,例如:

  <title>No plots defined</title>
  <content>You have not defined any plots. Would you like to run the study anyway?</content>

但是对于这个用例,对于 XML 文件中的每条消息来说,只有这个位就足够了:

  <title>No plots defined</title>

所以我的问题仍然存在 - 这里最好的解决方案是什么?我什至在球场上?

标签: wpfvb.netuser-interfacexml-serialization


看来您唯一的问题是 Xml 文件中存在混乱。所以你可以告诉序列化程序忽略某些属性<XmlIgnore>

Public Class Message
    Public Property title As String
    Public Property content As String
    Public Property buttons As Utilities.Enums.messageButtonTypes 'Ok/Cancel, Yes/No, etc.
    Public Property allowDoNotShowAgain As Boolean = False 'whether the message is dismissable
    Public Property doNotShowAgain As Boolean = False 'the actual dismiss state
    Public Property result As Boolean
    Public Property rememberedResult As Boolean 'last user choice if the message is dismissed
End Class


现在您还可以序列化 linq 查询定义的消息子集,如下所示

Public Property messages As List(Of Message) = Msg.allMessages 
Public Property messagesAllowDoNotShowAgain As List(Of Message) = Msg.allMessages.Where(Function(m) m.allowDoNotShowAgain).ToList()
