首页 > 解决方案 > 此自定义打印按钮和用于 rdlc 报告的 Java 脚本代码仅打印一页


我知道 rdlc 报告的打印按钮在 IE 以外的任何浏览器中都不起作用,因此在寻找自定义代码以在其他浏览器(Chrome、Firefox)中启用它时 - 我发现了以下 HTML 和 Java 脚本代码启用打印但仅适用于一页的报告。如果有人为我提供使用自定义打印按钮打印多页的解决方案,那将非常有帮助。

(注意:- 我使用的是 VS2019,MS ReportViewer 11.0)



<asp:Button runat="server" CssClass="btn-addschedule-bot" Style="margin-left: 10px;" ID="btnPrint" CausesValidation="true" ValidationGroup="vgSubmit" OnClientClick="printReportClick();" Text="Print Report" />  
 <div style="border: 1px solid #A7B0E8; margin: 0px 10px; padding: 5px; float: left;">  
 <rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rptViewer" runat="server" Height="500px" Style="-ms-overflow-y: scroll" Width="1100px" ShowToolBar="False" ShowParameterPrompts="False" ShowCredentialPrompts="False"></rsweb:ReportViewer>  

Java 脚本

 <script type="text/javascript">  
     function printReport(report_ID) {  
       var rv1 = $('#' + report_ID);  
       var iDoc = rv1.parents('html');  
       // Reading the report styles  
       var styles = iDoc.find("head style[id$='ReportControl_styles']").html();  
       if ((styles == undefined) || (styles == '')) {  
         iDoc.find('head script').each(function () {  
           var cnt = $(this).html();  
           var p1 = cnt.indexOf('ReportStyles":"');  
           if (p1 > 0) {  
             p1 += 15;  
             var p2 = cnt.indexOf('"', p1);  
             styles = cnt.substr(p1, p2 - p1);  
       if (styles == '') { alert("Cannot generate styles, Displaying without styles.."); }  
       styles = '<style type="text/css">' + styles + "</style>";  
       //--- Reading the report html  
       var table = rv1.find("div[id$='_oReportDiv']");  
       if (table == undefined) {  
         alert("Report source not found.");  
       //-- Generating a copy of the report in a new window  
       var docType = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">';  
       var docCnt = styles + table.parent().html();  
       var docHead = '<head><title>Printing ...</title><style>body{margin:5;padding:0;}</style></head>';  
       var winAttr = "location=yes, statusbar=no, directories=no, menubar=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no, dependent=no, width=720, height=600, resizable=yes, screenX=200, screenY=200, personalbar=no, scrollbars=yes";;  
       var newWin = window.open("", "_blank", winAttr);  
       writeDoc = newWin.document;  
       writeDoc.write(docType + '<html>' + docHead + '<body onload="window.print();">' + docCnt + '</body></html>');  
       // The print event will fire as soon as the window loads  
       // uncomment to autoclose the preview window when printing is confirmed or canceled.  
       // newWin.close();  
     function printReportClick() {  
       printReport('<%=rptViewer.ClientID %>');  

我的代码来源:http: //blog.binaryrepublik.com/2016/11/default-print-button-in-ssrs-report-is.html#.X-KkRtgzaUk


标签: c#asp.netprintingreportrdlc

