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我一直在尝试创建一个功能,为扮演刽子手的用户提供提示。该函数背后的想法是我有一个包含 5k 个单词的列表,我需要通过众多指标对其进行排序,例如单词应该与模式相同,如果模式a___le如此,那么我应该寻找假设在同一个组中,并且如果用户有许多错误的字母,它不会考虑包含这些字母的单词


def filter_words_list(words, pattern, wrong_guess_lst):
    :param words: The words I received from the main function 
    :param pattern: the pattern of the word in seach such as p__pl_
    :param wrong_guess_lst: the set of wrong used letters of the users
    :return: the function returns the words which are much to the conditions.
    list(wrong_guess_lst) # Since I am receiving it as a set I'm converting it to a list.
    words_suggestions = [] # The list I'd like to put my suggested words.
    for i in range(0, len(words)): # First loop matching between the length of the patterns and the words
        if len(words[i]) == len(pattern):
            for j in range(0, len(pattern)):
                if pattern[j] != '_':
                    if pattern[j] == words[i][j]: # Checking if the letters of the words are a much.
                        for t in range(0, len(wrong_guess_lst)):
                         if wrong_guess_lst[t] != words[i][j]: # Does the same as before but only with the wrong guess lst.
    return words_suggestions

标签: pythonlistpython-3.6



def get_suggestions(words: list, pattern: str, exclude: list) -> list:
    """Finds pattern and returns all words matching it."""
    # get the length of the pattern for filtering
    length = len(pattern)
    # create a filtered generator so that memory is not take up;
    # it only give the items from the word list that match the
    # conditions i.e. the same length as pattern and not in excluded words
    filter_words = (word for word in words
                    if len(word) == length and word not in exclude)
    # create a mapping of all the letters and their corresponding index in the string
    mapping = {i: letter for i, letter in enumerate(pattern) if letter != '_'}
    # return list comprehension that is made of words in the filtered words that
    # match the condition that all letters are in the same place and have the same
    # value as the mapping
    return [word for word in filter_words
            if all(word[i] == v for i, v in mapping.items())]

word_list = [
    'peach', 'peace', 'great', 'good', 'food',
    'reach', 'race', 'face', 'competent', 'completed'
exclude_list = ['good']
word_pattern = 'pe___'

suggestions = get_suggestions(word_list, word_pattern, exclude_list)
# output:
# ['peach', 'peace']

# a bit of testing
# order of items in the list is important
# it should be the same as in the word_list
patterns_and_answers = {
    '_oo_': ['food'],  # 'good' is in the excluded words
    '_omp_____': ['competent', 'completed'],
    '__ce': ['race', 'face'],
    'gr_a_': ['great'],
    '_a_e': ['race', 'face'],
    '_ea__': ['peach', 'peace', 'reach']

for p, correct in patterns_and_answers.items():
    assert get_suggestions(word_list, p, exclude_list) == correct
print('all test cases successfull')
