首页 > 解决方案 > Nginx-Ingress Helm 部署 --tcp-services-configmap 未找到参数


我正在尝试通过入口进行 TCP/UDP 端口转发。

遵循文档:https ://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/exposing-tcp-udp-services/

它说设置:--tcp-services-configmap但没有告诉你在哪里设置它。我假设它是命令行参数。然后我搜索了 nginx-ingress 的命令行参数列表



--tcp-services-configmap 包含要公开的 TCP 服务定义的 ConfigMap 的名称。映射中的键表示要使用的外部端口。该值是对“命名空间/名称:端口”形式的服务的引用,其中“端口”可以是端口号或名称。TCP 端口 80 和 443 由控制器保留用于服务 HTTP 流量。

第一个问题:如何动态添加到 nginx-ingress helm 图表的容器参数中,我在任何地方都没有看到记录?

第二个问题:使用当前版本的 nginx-ingress 设置它的正确方法是什么,因为设置命令行参数会导致容器启动失败,因为二进制文件没有该参数选项。

在默认的舵图 values.yaml 中,有一些选项可以为 tcp-services 的 configmap 设置命名空间,但鉴于文档说我必须将其设置为参数,但该参数启动失败我不确定你是如何实际设置这个。


我手动编辑了部署并在容器 args 上设置了标志:

      - args:
    - -nginx-plus=false
    - -nginx-reload-timeout=60000
    - -enable-app-protect=false
    - -nginx-configmaps=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/emoney-nginx-controller-nginx-ingress
    - -default-server-tls-secret=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/emoney-nginx-controller-nginx-ingress-default-server-tls
    - -ingress-class=emoney-ingress
    - -health-status=false
    - -health-status-uri=/nginx-health
    - -tcp-services-configmap=emoney-node/tcp-services-configmap
    - -nginx-debug=false
    - -v=1
    - -nginx-status=true
    - -nginx-status-port=8080
    - -nginx-status-allow-cidrs=
    - -report-ingress-status
    - -external-service=emoney-nginx-controller-nginx-ingress
    - -enable-leader-election=true
    - -leader-election-lock-name=emoney-nginx-controller-nginx-ingress-leader-election
    - -enable-prometheus-metrics=true
    - -prometheus-metrics-listen-port=9113
    - -prometheus-tls-secret=
    - -enable-custom-resources=true
    - -enable-tls-passthrough=false
    - -enable-snippets=false
    - -enable-preview-policies=false
    - -ready-status=true
    - -ready-status-port=8081
    - -enable-latency-metrics=false

当我像文档所说的那样设置它时,pod 可能无法启动,因为它错误地指出该参数不是二进制文件的选项。

kubectl logs emoney-nginx-controller-nginx-ingress-5769565cc7-vmgrf -n emoney-node
flag provided but not defined: -tcp-services-configmap
Usage of /nginx-ingress:
        log to standard error as well as files
  -default-server-tls-secret string
        A Secret with a TLS certificate and key for TLS termination of the default server. Format: <namespace>/<name>.
            If not set, than the certificate and key in the file "/etc/nginx/secrets/default" are used.
            If "/etc/nginx/secrets/default" doesn't exist, the Ingress Controller will configure NGINX to reject TLS connections to the default server.
            If a secret is set, but the Ingress controller is not able to fetch it from Kubernetes API or it is not set and the Ingress Controller
            fails to read the file "/etc/nginx/secrets/default", the Ingress controller will fail to start.
        Enable support for NGINX App Protect. Requires -nginx-plus.
        Enable custom resources (default true)
        Enable support for internal routes with NGINX Service Mesh. Requires -spire-agent-address and -nginx-plus. Is for use with NGINX Service Mesh only.
        Enable collection of latency metrics for upstreams. Requires -enable-prometheus-metrics
        Enable Leader election to avoid multiple replicas of the controller reporting the status of Ingress, VirtualServer and VirtualServerRoute resources -- only one replica will report status (default true). See -report-ingress-status flag. (default true)
        Enable preview policies
        Enable exposing NGINX or NGINX Plus metrics in the Prometheus format
        Enable custom NGINX configuration snippets in Ingress, VirtualServer, VirtualServerRoute and TransportServer resources.
        Enable TLS Passthrough on port 443. Requires -enable-custom-resources
  -external-service string
        Specifies the name of the service with the type LoadBalancer through which the Ingress controller pods are exposed externally.
            The external address of the service is used when reporting the status of Ingress, VirtualServer and VirtualServerRoute resources. For Ingress resources only: Requires -report-ingress-status.
  -global-configuration string
        The namespace/name of the GlobalConfiguration resource for global configuration of the Ingress Controller. Requires -enable-custom-resources. Format: <namespace>/<name>
        Add a location based on the value of health-status-uri to the default server. The location responds with the 200 status code for any request.
            Useful for external health-checking of the Ingress controller
  -health-status-uri string
        Sets the URI of health status location in the default server. Requires -health-status (default "/nginx-health")
  -ingress-class string
        A class of the Ingress controller.
            An IngressClass resource with the name equal to the class must be deployed. Otherwise, the Ingress Controller will fail to start.
            The Ingress controller only processes resources that belong to its class - i.e. have the "ingressClassName" field resource equal to the class.
            The Ingress Controller processes all the VirtualServer/VirtualServerRoute/TransportServer resources that do not have the "ingressClassName" field for all versions of kubernetes. (default "nginx")
  -ingress-template-path string
        Path to the ingress NGINX configuration template for an ingress resource.
            (default for NGINX "nginx.ingress.tmpl"; default for NGINX Plus "nginx-plus.ingress.tmpl")
  -ingresslink string
        Specifies the name of the IngressLink resource, which exposes the Ingress Controller pods via a BIG-IP system.
            The IP of the BIG-IP system is used when reporting the status of Ingress, VirtualServer and VirtualServerRoute resources. For Ingress resources only: Requires -report-ingress-status.
  -leader-election-lock-name string
        Specifies the name of the ConfigMap, within the same namespace as the controller, used as the lock for leader election. Requires -enable-leader-election. (default "nginx-ingress-leader-election")
  -log_backtrace_at value
        when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
  -log_dir string
        If non-empty, write log files in this directory
        log to standard error instead of files
  -main-template-path string
        Path to the main NGINX configuration template. (default for NGINX "nginx.tmpl"; default for NGINX Plus "nginx-plus.tmpl")
  -nginx-configmaps string
        A ConfigMap resource for customizing NGINX configuration. If a ConfigMap is set,
            but the Ingress controller is not able to fetch it from Kubernetes API, the Ingress controller will fail to start.
            Format: <namespace>/<name>
        Enable debugging for NGINX. Uses the nginx-debug binary. Requires 'error-log-level: debug' in the ConfigMap.
        Enable support for NGINX Plus
  -nginx-reload-timeout int
        The timeout in milliseconds which the Ingress Controller will wait for a successful NGINX reload after a change or at the initial start. (default 60000) (default 60000)
        Enable the NGINX stub_status, or the NGINX Plus API. (default true)
  -nginx-status-allow-cidrs string
        Add IPv4 IP/CIDR blocks to the allow list for NGINX stub_status or the NGINX Plus API. Separate multiple IP/CIDR by commas. (default "")
  -nginx-status-port int
        Set the port where the NGINX stub_status or the NGINX Plus API is exposed. [1024 - 65535] (default 8080)
  -prometheus-metrics-listen-port int
        Set the port where the Prometheus metrics are exposed. [1024 - 65535] (default 9113)
  -prometheus-tls-secret string
        A Secret with a TLS certificate and key for TLS termination of the prometheus endpoint.
  -proxy string
        Use a proxy server to connect to Kubernetes API started by "kubectl proxy" command. For testing purposes only.
            The Ingress controller does not start NGINX and does not write any generated NGINX configuration files to disk
        Enables the readiness endpoint '/nginx-ready'. The endpoint returns a success code when NGINX has loaded all the config after the startup (default true)
  -ready-status-port int
        Set the port where the readiness endpoint is exposed. [1024 - 65535] (default 8081)
        Updates the address field in the status of Ingress resources. Requires the -external-service or -ingresslink flag, or the 'external-status-address' key in the ConfigMap.
  -spire-agent-address string
        Specifies the address of the running Spire agent. Requires -nginx-plus and is for use with NGINX Service Mesh only. If the flag is set,
                    but the Ingress Controller is not able to connect with the Spire Agent, the Ingress Controller will fail to start.
  -stderrthreshold value
        logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
  -transportserver-template-path string
        Path to the TransportServer NGINX configuration template for a TransportServer resource.
            (default for NGINX "nginx.transportserver.tmpl"; default for NGINX Plus "nginx-plus.transportserver.tmpl")
  -v value
        log level for V logs
        Print the version, git-commit hash and build date and exit
  -virtualserver-template-path string
        Path to the VirtualServer NGINX configuration template for a VirtualServer resource.
            (default for NGINX "nginx.virtualserver.tmpl"; default for NGINX Plus "nginx-plus.virtualserver.tmpl")
  -vmodule value
        comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
  -watch-namespace string
        Namespace to watch for Ingress resources. By default the Ingress controller watches all namespaces
  -wildcard-tls-secret string
        A Secret with a TLS certificate and key for TLS termination of every Ingress host for which TLS termination is enabled but the Secret is not specified.
                Format: <namespace>/<name>. If the argument is not set, for such Ingress hosts NGINX will break any attempt to establish a TLS connection.
                If the argument is set, but the Ingress controller is not able to fetch the Secret from Kubernetes API, the Ingress controller will fail to start.


apiVersion: v1
  "1317": emoney-node/emoney-api:1317
  "9090": emoney-node/emoney-grpc:9090
  "26656": emoney-node/emoney:26656
  "26657": emoney-node/emoney-rpc:26657
kind: ConfigMap
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: emoney
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: emoney-node
  creationTimestamp: "2021-11-01T18:06:49Z"
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
  - apiVersion: v1
    fieldsType: FieldsV1
        .: {}
        f:1317: {}
        f:9090: {}
        f:26656: {}
        f:26657: {}
          .: {}
          f:meta.helm.sh/release-name: {}
          f:meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: {}
          .: {}
          f:app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: {}
    manager: helm
    operation: Update
    time: "2021-11-01T18:06:49Z"
  name: tcp-services-configmap
  namespace: emoney-node
  resourceVersion: "2056146"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/emoney-node/configmaps/tcp-services-configmap
  uid: 188f5dc8-02f9-4ee5-a5e3-819d00ff8b67

Name:              emoney
Namespace:         emoney-node
Labels:            app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney
Annotations:       meta.helm.sh/release-name: emoney
                   meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: emoney-node
Selector:          app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney,app.kubernetes.io/name=ibcnode
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              p2p  26656/TCP
TargetPort:        26656/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

Name:              emoney-api
Namespace:         emoney-node
Labels:            app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney
Annotations:       meta.helm.sh/release-name: emoney
                   meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: emoney-node
Selector:          app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney,app.kubernetes.io/name=ibcnode
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              api  1317/TCP
TargetPort:        1317/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

Name:              emoney-grpc
Namespace:         emoney-node
Labels:            app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney
Annotations:       meta.helm.sh/release-name: emoney
                   meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: emoney-node
Selector:          app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney,app.kubernetes.io/name=ibcnode
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              grpc  9090/TCP
TargetPort:        9090/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

Name:                     emoney-nginx-controller-nginx-ingress
Namespace:                emoney-node
Labels:                   app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney-nginx-controller
Annotations:              meta.helm.sh/release-name: emoney-nginx-controller
                          meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: emoney-node
Selector:                 app=emoney-nginx-controller-nginx-ingress
Type:                     LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress:     lb removed
Port:                     http  80/TCP
TargetPort:               80/TCP
NodePort:                 http  32250/TCP
Port:                     https  443/TCP
TargetPort:               443/TCP
NodePort:                 https  32375/TCP
Session Affinity:         None
External Traffic Policy:  Local
HealthCheck NodePort:     30904
Events:                   <none>

Name:              emoney-rpc
Namespace:         emoney-node
Labels:            app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney
Annotations:       meta.helm.sh/release-name: emoney
                   meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: emoney-node
Selector:          app.kubernetes.io/instance=emoney,app.kubernetes.io/name=ibcnode
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              rpc  26657/TCP
TargetPort:        26657/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

  helm repo add nginx-stable https://helm.nginx.com/stable --kubeconfig=./kubeconfig || echo "helm repo already added"

  helm repo update --kubeconfig=./kubeconfig || echo "helm repo already updated"

  helm upgrade ${app_name}-nginx-controller -n ${app_namespace} nginx-stable/nginx-ingress \
  --install \
  --kubeconfig=./kubeconfig \
  --create-namespace \
  --set controller.service.type=LoadBalancer \
  --set controller.tcp.configMapNamespace=${app_namespace} \
  --set controller.ingressClass="${app_name}-ingress"

  kubectl rollout status -w deployment/${app_name} --kubeconfig=./kubeconfig -n ${app_namespace}

  #- --tcp-services-configmap=emoney-node/tcp-services-configmap

标签: kuberneteskubernetes-helmkubernetes-ingressnginx-ingress


您可以说 helm 图表有偏见,因为它没有公开将这些 args 设置为图表值的选项。当根据值需要时,它将根据条件逻辑自行设置它们。

当我检查 repo 中的 nginx 模板时,我看到额外的参数是从params 帮助文件中的模板传递的。这些似乎是动态生成的。IE

{{- if .Values.tcp }}
- --tcp-services-configmap={{ default "$(POD_NAMESPACE)" .Values.controller.tcp.configMapNamespace }}/{{ include "ingress-nginx.fullname" . }}-tcp
{{- end }}

因此,似乎只有在 tcp 值不为空时才会使用此标志。在相同的条件下,它将创建 configmap

此外, tcp 值允许您设置一个 key configMapNamespace。因此,如果您仅设置此键,则该标志将作为参数助手使用。现在您只需要在提供的命名空间中创建您的 configmap 并让它与 name 匹配{{ include "ingress-nginx.fullname" . }}-tcp


kubectl create configmap ingress-nginx-tcp --from-literal 1883=mqtt/emqx:1883 -n default
helm install --set controller.tcp.configMapNamespace=default ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

我认为唯一的问题是你不能在 中创建它.Release.Namespace,因为当 tcp 不为空时,它会尝试自行在那里创建一个 configmap,这会导致冲突。至少我是这样解释图表存储库中的模板的。

我个人已经通过我传递给 helm 的值文件配置了 TCP -f

helm install -f values.yaml ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
# configure the tcp configmap
  1883: mqtt/emqx:1883
  8883: mqtt/emqx:8883

# enable the service and expose the tcp ports.
# be careful as this will pontentially make them 
# availble on the public web
    enabled: true
      http: 80
      https: 443
      mqtt: 1883
      mqttssl: 8883
      http: http
      https: https
      mqtt: mqtt
      mqttssl: mqttssl
