首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 TypeScript 中创建 RequireOnlyOne 嵌套类型?



type RequireOnlyOne<T, Keys extends keyof T = keyof T> =
Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Keys>>
& {
    [K in Keys]-?:
        Required<Pick<T, K>>
        & Partial<Record<Exclude<Keys, K>, undefined>>



export interface MenuItems {
  firstLevel: {
    secondLevel: ['one', 'two']
  anotherFirstLevel: {
    anotherSecondLevel: ['one', 'two'],
    oneMoreSecondLevel: null

我需要申请RequireOnlyOne第一级和第二级,但我不知道要在类型上更改什么,RequireOnlyOne因此它适用于每个 firstLevel 键,但也适用于 secondLevel 键。就像现在一样,我只能选择一个 firstLevel,但可以选择该 firstLevel 的多个 secondLevel。

我还尝试用一个对象组成一个新类型,该对象可能是键RequireOnlyOne<keyof MenuItems>和一个也RequireOnlyOne用于值的值,但无法实现。


const workingObject: customType = {
  firstLevel: { // Just one property of the first level
    secondLevel: ['one', 'two'] // Just one property of the second level

const errorObject: customType = {
  firstLevel: {
    secondLevel: ['one', 'two']
  anotherFirstLevel: { // Should not work as I am including 2 properties for the first level
    anotherSecondLevel: ['one', 'two']

const anotherErrorObject: customType = {
  anotherFirstLevel: {
    anotherSecondLevel: ['one', 'two'],
    oneMoreSecondLevel: null // Should not work neither as I am including 2 properties for second level



标签: javascripttypescript



export interface MenuItems {
  firstLevel: {
    secondLevel: ['one', 'two']
  anotherFirstLevel: {
    anotherSecondLevel: ['one', 'two']
    oneMoreSecondLevel: null

type Primitives = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | bigint | symbol

type UnionKeys<T> = T extends T ? keyof T : never;
// credits goes to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65805600/type-union-not-checking-for-excess-properties#answer-65805753
type StrictUnionHelper<T, TAll> =
  T extends any
  ? T & Partial<Record<Exclude<UnionKeys<TAll>, keyof T>, never>> : never;

type StrictUnion<T> = StrictUnionHelper<T, T>

type Transform<Obj, Keys extends keyof Obj = keyof Obj, Result = never> =
    Keys extends string ? { // #1
      [Key in Keys]:
      Key extends keyof Obj
      ? (Obj[Key] extends Primitives
        ? Obj[Key]
        : (Obj[Key] extends any[]
          ? Obj[Key]
          : Transform<Obj[Key], keyof Obj[Key], Obj[Key]>)
      : never
    } : Result>

type CustomType = Transform<MenuItems>

const workingObject: CustomType = {
  firstLevel: { // Just one property of the first level
    secondLevel: ['one', 'two'] // Just one property of the second level

const errorObject: CustomType = {
  firstLevel: {
    secondLevel: ['one', 'two']
  anotherFirstLevel: { // Should not work as I am including 2 properties for the first level
    anotherSecondLevel: ['one', 'two']

const anotherErrorObject: CustomType= {
  anotherFirstLevel: {
    anotherSecondLevel: ['one', 'two'],
    oneMoreSecondLevel: null // Should not work neither as I am including 2 properties for second level

Transform- 是主要的实用程序类型。递归迭代键。1# Keys extends string- 此行确保Keys is distributet. 这意味着该行之后的整个代码将应用于每个键。请参阅文档以获取更多信息。

我还添加了Obj[Key] extends any[]- 因为您不希望(我想)遍历数组键。

