首页 > 解决方案 > 将 GitHub 缓存操作与多个缓存路径一起使用?


我正在尝试使用官方 GitHub 缓存操作 ( https://github.com/actions/cache ) 来缓存一些二进制文件以加快我的一些工作流程,但是在指定多个时我无法让它工作缓存路径。

这是我使用单个缓存路径设置的一个简单的工作测试:一个用于写入缓存的操作,一个用于读取它的操作(都在不同的工作流中执行,但在相同的存储库和分支上)。write-action 首先执行,并创建一个文件“subdir/a.txt”,然后使用“actions/cache@v2”操作对其进行缓存:

    # Test with single path
    - name: Create file
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir subdir
        cd subdir
        printf '%s' "Lorem ipsum" >> a.txt
    - name: Write cache (Single path)
      uses: actions/cache@v2
        path: "D:/a/cache_test/cache_test/**/*.txt"
        key: test-cache-single-path

读取操作检索缓存,递归打印目录中所有文件的列表以确认它已从缓存中恢复文件,然后打印缓存的 txt 文件的内容:

    - name: Get cached file
      uses: actions/cache@v2
      id: get-cache
        path: "D:/a/cache_test/cache_test/**/*.txt"
        key: test-cache-single-path
    - name: Print files
      shell: bash
      run: |
        echo "Cache hit: ${{steps.get-cache.outputs.cache-hit}}"
        cd "D:/a/cache_test/cache_test"
        ls -R
        cat "D:/a/cache_test/cache_test/subdir/a.txt"



  - uses: actions/cache@v2
      path: | 
      key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/lockfiles') }}


    # Test with multiple paths
    - name: Create files
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir subdir
        cd subdir
        printf '%s' "Lorem ipsum" >> a.txt
        printf '%s' "dolor sit amet" >> b.md

    #- name: Write cache (Multi path)
      uses: actions/cache@v2
        path: |
        key: test-cache-multi-path


    # Read cache
    - name: Get cached file
      uses: actions/cache@v2
      id: get-cache
        path: |
        key: test-cache-multi-path
    - name: Print files
      shell: bash
      run: |
        echo "Cache hit: ${{steps.get-cache.outputs.cache-hit}}"
        cd "D:/a/cache_test/cache_test"
        ls -R
        cat "D:/a/cache_test/cache_test/subdir/a.txt"
        cat "D:/a/cache_test/cache_test/subdir/b.md"


Cache restored successfully
Cache restored from key: test-cache-multi-path
Cache hit: true

但是“ls -R”没有列出文件,并且“cat”命令失败,因为文件不存在。


标签: windowscachinggithub-actions



  • 使用相对路径而不是绝对路径
  • 使用内容的哈希作为键

看起来至少 bash 的绝对路径如下所示:

  • /d/a/so-foobar-cache/so-foobar-cache/cache_test/cache_test/subdir

其中 so-foobar-cache 是存储库的名称。


name: Store and Fetch cached files
on: [push]
    runs-on: windows-2019
      - name: Create files
        shell: bash
        id: store
        run: |
          mkdir -p 'cache_test/cache_test/subdir'
          cd 'cache_test/cache_test/subdir'
          echo pwd $(pwd)
          printf '%s' "Lorem ipsum" >> a.txt
          printf '%s' "dolor sit amet" >> b.md
          cat a.txt b.md
      - name: Store in cache
        uses: actions/cache@v2
          path: |
          key: multiple-files-${{ hashFiles('cache_test/cache_test/**') }}
      - name: Print files (A)
        shell: bash
        run: |
          echo "Cache hit: ${{steps.store.outputs.cache-hit}}"
          find cache_test/cache_test/subdir
          cat cache_test/cache_test/subdir/a.txt
          cat cache_test/cache_test/subdir/b.md

    runs-on: windows-2019
    needs: store
      - name: Restore
        uses: actions/cache@v2
          path: |
          key: multiple-files-${{ hashFiles('cache_test/cache_test/**') }}
          restore-keys: |
            multiple-files-${{ hashFiles('cache_test/cache_test/**') }}
      - name: Print files (B)
        shell: bash
        run: |
          find cache_test -type f | xargs -t grep -e.


$ gh run view 1446486801 

✓ master Store and Fetch cached files · 1446486801
Triggered via push about 3 minutes ago

✓ store in 5s (ID 4171907768)
✓ fetch in 10s (ID 4171909690)


$ gh run view 1446486801 --log --job=4171907768 | grep -e Create  -e Store -e Print
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1396931Z ##[group]Run mkdir -p 'cache_test/cache_test/subdir'
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1398025Z mkdir -p 'cache_test/cache_test/subdir'
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1398695Z cd 'cache_test/cache_test/subdir'
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1399360Z echo pwd $(pwd)
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1399936Z printf '%s' "Lorem ipsum" >> a.txt
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1400672Z printf '%s' "dolor sit amet" >> b.md
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1401231Z cat a.txt b.md
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1623649Z shell: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.EXE --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.1626211Z ##[endgroup]
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.9569082Z pwd /d/a/so-foobar-cache/so-foobar-cache/cache_test/cache_test/subdir
store   Create files    2021-11-10T22:59:32.9607728Z Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:33.9705422Z ##[group]Run actions/cache@v2
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:33.9706196Z with:
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:33.9706815Z   path: cache_test/cache_test/**/*.txt
store   Store in cache  cache_test/cache_test/**/*.md
store   Store in cache  
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:33.9708499Z   key: multiple-files-25c0e6413e23766a3681413625169cee1ca3a7cd2186cc1b1df5370fb43bce55
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:33.9709961Z ##[endgroup]
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:35.1757943Z Received 260 of 260 (100.0%), 0.0 MBs/sec
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:35.1761565Z Cache Size: ~0 MB (260 B)
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:35.1781110Z [command]C:\Windows\System32\tar.exe -z -xf D:/a/_temp/653f7664-e139-4930-9710-e56942f9fa47/cache.tgz -P -C D:/a/so-foobar-cache/so-foobar-cache
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:35.2069751Z Cache restored successfully
store   Store in cache  2021-11-10T22:59:35.2737840Z Cache restored from key: multiple-files-25c0e6413e23766a3681413625169cee1ca3a7cd2186cc1b1df5370fb43bce55
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3087596Z ##[group]Run echo "Cache hit: "
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3088324Z echo "Cache hit: "
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3088983Z find cache_test/cache_test/subdir
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3089571Z cat cache_test/cache_test/subdir/a.txt
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3090176Z cat cache_test/cache_test/subdir/b.md
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3104465Z shell: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.EXE --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3106449Z ##[endgroup]
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.3494703Z Cache hit: 
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.4456032Z cache_test/cache_test/subdir
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.4456852Z cache_test/cache_test/subdir/a.txt
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.4459226Z cache_test/cache_test/subdir/b.md
store   Print files (A) 2021-11-10T22:59:35.4875011Z Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet
store   Post Store in cache 2021-11-10T22:59:35.6109511Z Post job cleanup.
store   Post Store in cache 2021-11-10T22:59:35.7899690Z Cache hit occurred on the primary key multiple-files-25c0e6413e23766a3681413625169cee1ca3a7cd2186cc1b1df5370fb43bce55, not saving cache.


$ gh run view 1446486801 --log --job=4171909690  | grep -e Restore -e Print
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:50.8498516Z ##[group]Run actions/cache@v2
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:50.8499346Z with:
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:50.8499883Z   path: cache_test/cache_test/**/*.txt
fetch   Restore cache_test/cache_test/**/*.md
fetch   Restore 
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:50.8500449Z   key: multiple-files-
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:50.8501079Z   restore-keys: multiple-files-
fetch   Restore multiple-files-
fetch   Restore 
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:50.8501644Z ##[endgroup]
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:53.1143793Z Received 257 of 257 (100.0%), 0.0 MBs/sec
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:53.1145450Z Cache Size: ~0 MB (257 B)
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:53.1163664Z [command]C:\Windows\System32\tar.exe -z -xf D:/a/_temp/30b0dc24-b25f-4713-b3d3-cecee7116785/cache.tgz -P -C D:/a/so-foobar-cache/so-foobar-cache
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:53.1784328Z Cache restored successfully
fetch   Restore 2021-11-10T22:59:53.5197756Z Cache restored from key: multiple-files-
fetch   Print files (B) 2021-11-10T22:59:53.5483939Z ##[group]Run find cache_test -type f | xargs -t grep -e.
fetch   Print files (B) 2021-11-10T22:59:53.5484730Z find cache_test -type f | xargs -t grep -e.
fetch   Print files (B) 2021-11-10T22:59:53.5498140Z shell: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.EXE --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
fetch   Print files (B) 2021-11-10T22:59:53.5498674Z ##[endgroup]
fetch   Print files (B) 2021-11-10T22:59:55.8119800Z grep -e. cache_test/cache_test/subdir/a.txt cache_test/cache_test/subdir/b.md
fetch   Print files (B) 2021-11-10T22:59:56.1777887Z cache_test/cache_test/subdir/a.txt:Lorem ipsum
fetch   Print files (B) 2021-11-10T22:59:56.1784138Z cache_test/cache_test/subdir/b.md:dolor sit amet
fetch   Post Restore    2021-11-10T22:59:56.3890391Z Post job cleanup.
fetch   Post Restore    2021-11-10T22:59:56.5481739Z Cache hit occurred on the primary key multiple-files-, not saving cache.
