首页 > 解决方案 > 将非重复条目从两个链表传递到第三个链表的问题



示例列表 1:,1->13->32->4->5列表 2:2->13->42->5

期望结果:list 3 1->32->4->2->2,实际结果:1->13->32->4->5->2->13->42->5


typedef struct list_path *lp;
struct list_path
    int row,column;
    lp next;


lp head_list_1,head_list_2,head_list_3,temp_list,aux_path,temp_union,temp_insert_union,aux_union,aux_path_1,aux_path_2,head_list;

void path_union(lp head_list_1, lp head_list_2) 
    aux_path_1 = head_list_1;
    aux_path_2 = head_list_2;
    int exist;

    while (aux_path_1 != NULL)
        exist = 0;
        while (aux_path_2 != NULL)
            if (aux_path_1->row == aux_path_2->row && aux_path_1->column == aux_path_2->column)
            aux_path_2 = aux_path_2->next;

        if (exist == 0)
            insert_union(head_list_3, aux_path_1->row, aux_path_1->column);

        aux_path_1 = aux_path_1->next;

    aux_path_1 = head_list_1;
    aux_path_2 = head_list_2;

    while (aux_path_2 != NULL)
        exist = 0;
        while (aux_path_1 != NULL)
            if (aux_path_2->row == aux_path_1->row && aux_path_2->column == aux_path_1->column)
                exist = 1;

            aux_path_1 = aux_path_1->next;
        if (exist == 0)
            insert_union(head_list_3, aux_path_2->row, aux_path_2->column);

        aux_path_2 = aux_path_2->next;

void insert_union(lp head_list_3, int key_a, int key_b)
    lp union_temp;
    lp list_aux = head_list_3;
    while (list_aux->next != NULL)
        list_aux = list_aux->next;

    union_temp = (lp)malloc(sizeof(struct list_path));
    union_temp->row = key_a;
    union_temp->column = key_b;
    list_aux->next = union_temp;
    union_temp->next = NULL;

第一个函数使用 2 个嵌套的 while 来查找哪些条目只出现一次,第二个函数将这些键传递给第三个列表。

标签: cloopswhile-looplinked-listfunction-definition



  • 实现是有缺陷的:您应该aux_path_2 = head_list_2在第一个循环aux_path_1 = head_list_1的每次迭代开始时和第二个循环的每次迭代开始时进行初始化。

  • 一般的想法是不正确的:您只会插入仅在一个列表中的元素。两个列表共有的元素将在两个循环中被跳过,因此永远不会插入联合列表中。您应该克隆第一个列表并仅在第二个循环中使用测试。

  • insert_union函数不能从空列表开始。您应该head_list_3从此函数返回更新后的值并将其存储在调用者中。

  • 不需要为此任务使用全局变量:创建或更新的列表指针应该由两个函数返回。

  • 将指针隐藏在 typedef 后面会令人困惑且容易出错。而不是定义lp,定义list_path为 typedefstruct list_path并用于list_path *保持指针可见。


#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct list_path list_path;
struct list_path {
    int row, column;
    list_path *next;

int path_find(list_path *head, int row, int column) {
    for (list_path *aux = head; aux != NULL; aux = aux->next) {
        if (aux->row == row && aux->column == column)
            return 1;
    return 0;
list_path *path_insert(list_path *head, int row, int column) {
    list_path *temp;
    list_path *aux;
    temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
    if (temp == NULL) {
        perror("cannot allocate list_path structure");
    temp->row = row;
    temp->column = column;
    temp->next = NULL;

    if (head == NULL) {
        // empty list: allocated node is the new head
        head = temp;
    } else {
        // otherwise find the last node of the list
        for (aux = head; aux->next != NULL; aux = aux->next) {
        // and append the newly allocated node
        aux->next = temp;
    return head;

list_path *path_union(list_path *list1, list_path *list2) {
    list_path *list3 = NULL;

    // clone the first list into list3
    for (list_path *aux1 = list1; aux1 != NULL; aux1 = aux1->next) {     
        list3 = path_insert(list3, aux1->row, aux1->column);

    // append elements only present in list2
    for (list_path *aux2 = list2; aux2 != NULL; aux2 = aux2->next) {     
        if (!path_find(list1, aux2->row, aux2->column)) {
            list3 = path_insert(list3, aux2->row, aux2->column);
    // return a pointer to the union list.
    return list3; 
