首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有办法可以更紧凑地编写这段代码?




def company_report(bills):
    """puts every company in list, counts how often each company is in list,
    reads the index of company which is the most frequent,
    uses index to read out name of company and how many bills it has."""
    # append all company names from each bill to list
    companies_bills = []
    for bill in bills:
        # use lower() to make sure that there is no uppercase lowercase error
    # count how many times each company is in company list
    dummy = []
    for i in companies_bills:
    # give out indicis of companies with most occurrences
    max_value = max(dummy)
    indices = [index for index, value in enumerate(dummy) if value == max_value]
    comp = []
    # use indicis to append companies with most occurrences to list
    for i in indices:
    # remove duplicates from lists
    final_list = []
    for company in comp:
        if company not in final_list:
    row = "| {:17} | {:5} |"
    print("\n" + "{:=^29}".format(" Most Popular Company "))
    print(row.format("Company", "Bills"))
    print(row.format("-" * 17, "-" * 5))
    for company in final_list:
        print(row.format(company.title(), max(dummy)))
    print("=" * 29)
    return final_list

标签: pythonlistloopsfor-loopmax



def company_report(bills): """ 将每家公司放入列表中,计算每家公司在列表中的频率,读取最频繁的公司索引,使用索引读取公司名称和它有多少账单。 """

# append all company names from each bill to list
companies_bills = [bill.lower() for bill in bills]
# count how many times each company is in company list
dummy = [companies_bills.count(i) for i in companies_bills]

# give out indicis of companies with most occurrences
max_value = max(dummy)

# use indicis to append companies with most occurrences to list
final_list = list(set([companies_bills[i] for i in [index for index, value in enumerate(dummy) if value == max_value]]))

row = "| {:17} | {:5} |"
print("\n" + "{:=^29}".format(" Most Popular Company "))
print(row.format("Company", "Bills"))
print(row.format("-" * 17, "-" * 5))
for company in final_list:
    print(row.format(company.title(), max_value))
print("=" * 29)
return final_list
