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是否可以在 AppleScript 中引用属性?

我正在为 QLab(macOS 的声音、视频和照明控制)编写一些代码,我希望能够在代码的第一部分定义/选择/引用某个属性,然后再调用。我希望引用一种属性,然后能够引用其他属性,而无需复制我的代码并更改该部分。

QLab 的 AppleScript 字典可以在这里找到


tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
    set selectedCues to last item of (selected as list) -- selects an item in my software (QLab)
    return q name of selectedCues -- This works and returns q name of selectedCues
end tell

我也想做同样的事情,但引用属性“q name”并稍后调用它

在我的脚本中,我尝试了将变量(选定属性)设置为 q 名称的各种版本

tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
    set selectedCues to last item of (selected as list) -- selects an item in my software (QLab)
    set selectedProperty to q name -- This code doesn't work
    return selectedProperty of selectedCues -- This is broken
end tell


我在这里编写了一个脚本,它带有一个处理程序,该处理程序返回 selectedCues 的选定属性(我的软件中的项目)。它允许用户从列表中选择,然后使用 if 语句获取对话框中选择的值:

tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
    set selectedCues to (selected as list)
    set parameterChoices to {"q name", "q number", "q type", "q color", "notes"}
    choose from list parameterChoices with prompt "Pick a property to return from selected cue" with title "Choose a property" default items {"q Name"}
    set selectedProperty to item 1 of result
end tell

returnPropertyOfSelected(selectedProperty, selectedCues)

on returnPropertyOfSelected(cueProperty, cuesToProcess)
    tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
        set returnedValue to {}
        if cueProperty is "q name" then -- Using if statements here to make returnedValue return selected property
            repeat with i in cuesToProcess
                set end of returnedValue to (q name of i)
            end repeat
        else if cueProperty is "q number" then
            repeat with i in cuesToProcess
                set end of returnedValue to (q number of i)
            end repeat
        else if cueProperty is "q type" then
            repeat with i in cuesToProcess
                set end of returnedValue to (q type of i)
            end repeat
        else if cueProperty is "q color" then
            repeat with i in cuesToProcess
                set end of returnedValue to (q color of i)
            end repeat
        else if cueProperty is "notes" then
            repeat with i in cuesToProcess
                set end of returnedValue to (notes of i)
            end repeat
        end if
    end tell
end returnPropertyOfSelected

这样做我必须为用户可以做出的每一个选择做一个 if 语句。我想知道是否有办法让这个选择被引用并直接实现到代码中,这样我就不必为每个可能的选择做一个 if 语句。


tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
    set selectedCues to (selected as list)
    set parameterChoices to {"q name", "q number", "q type", "q color", "notes"}
    choose from list parameterChoices with prompt "Pick a property to return from selected cue" with title "Choose a property" default items {"q Name"}
    set selectedProperty to item 1 of result
end tell

returnPropertyOfSelected(selectedProperty, selectedCues)

on returnPropertyOfSelected(cueProperty, cuesToProcess)
    tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
        set returnedValue to {}
        repeat with i in cuesToProcess
            set end of returnedValue to (cueProperty of i) -- This is the part I would like, but it doesn't work
        end repeat
    end tell
end returnPropertyOfSelected


标签: applescript


我认为您正在尝试做的主要问题是,在应用程序告诉语句之外,任何给定应用程序的脚本术语都没有特殊含义。在运行时使用任意脚本术语的一种方法是使用run script命令,因为它可以使用传递给它的文本作为单独的脚本来运行。

请注意,这通常被认为是一个 Bad Idea™,尤其是因为尝试使用通用处理程序并将术语传递给它通常会比仅使用单独的命令更长。您通常还可以获得所有项目属性的记录,这也比使用单独的命令更容易。但是,如果您认为您需要做这样的事情,您应该始终验证您计划使用的条款,并且不允许用户输入条款(或者如果您也必须这样做,请确保对它们进行清理)。


property itemClass : "class"
property itemType : "type identifier" -- UTI
property itemName : "name"
property itemDefault : "default application" -- alias

set fileItem to (choose file)

log runScript(itemType, fileItem) -- get property by creating a script using a term

tell application "System Events" to set itemProperties to (get properties of disk item (fileItem as text))
log type identifier of itemProperties -- get property from a record of all the properties

to runScript(fileProperty, fileItem) -- get specified file property
   return run script "tell application \"System Events\" to return " & fileProperty & " of disk item " & space & quote & fileItem & quote
end runScript
