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public static void addAppointment(String title, String description, String location, String type, LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end, int customerID, int userID, int contactID) 

try { String sqlAddAppt = "INSERT INTO appointments VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ?, ?, ?)";  
      PreparedStatement ps = JDBC.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlAddAppt);
      ps.setString(1, title);
      ps.setString(2, description); 
      ps.setString(3, location);  
      ps.setString(4, type);  
      ps.setTimestamp(5, Timestamp.valueOf(start)); 
      ps.setTimestamp(6, Timestamp.valueOf(end));  
      ps.setInt(7, customerID);    
      ps.setInt(8, userID);  
      ps.setInt(9, contactID);  
catch (SQLException e) {       
 e.printStackTrace();    }}

public static void updateAppointment(String title, String description, String location, String type, LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end, int customerID, int userID, int contactID) {
try { 
   String sqlUpdate = "UPDATE appointments SET Title=?, Description=?, Location=?, Type=?, Start=?, End=?, Customer_ID=?, User_ID=?, Contact_ID=? WHERE Appointment_ID = ?;";
    PreparedStatement ps = JDBC.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlUpdate);
    ps.setString(1, title); 
    ps.setString(2, description);  
    ps.setString(3, location); 
    ps.setString(4, type); 
    ps.setTimestamp(5, Timestamp.valueOf(start)); 
    ps.setTimestamp(6, Timestamp.valueOf(end)); 
    ps.setInt(7, customerID); 
    ps.setInt(8, userID);  
    ps.setInt(9, contactID);  
    ps.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) {  
    e.printStackTrace();    }}


DBAppointments.updateAppointment(title, description, location, type, startTimeUTC.toLocalDateTime(), endTimeUTC.toLocalDateTime(), customerID.getCustomerID(), userID.getUserID(), contact.getContactID());

DBAppointments.addAppointment(title, description, location, type, startTimeUTC.toLocalDateTime(), endTimeUTC.toLocalDateTime(), customerID.getCustomerID(), userID.getUserID(), contact.getContactID());


标签: javasql


您可以使用 Hibernate 和 JDBC,这是在数据库上执行 CRUD 操作的一种更简洁的方式。如果您以前没有见过它可能是一种完全不同的方法,但是我建议您熟悉这种方法,因为它是当前执行数据库操作的标准方法。


public class Person {
 String title;

 String description;

 String location;

 String type; 

 LocalDateTime start; 

 LocalDateTime end; 

 int customerID; 

 int userID; 

 int contactID;

This person class is basically the column headings of your table in your 


    public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long> {
      /*This will contain all the database operations you want to perform. By 
       default, it contains the CRUD operations and if you will be performing 
       CRUD operations only, you don't need to add anything*/

You will then have a controller where you will perform your crud operations

public class Controller {
  PersonRepository personRepo;

  public void addAppointment(Person person) {

  public void updateAppointment(int personID, String description, int customerID) {
      //retrieve the user whose appointment you want to update then update the relevant fields and save user;
        Person person = personRepo.findById(personID);


